My first contact!


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My first contact!

Postby Andrea Bocelli on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 4:45 pm

Ciao a tutti ,
sono finalmente nel mio nuovo sito ed è con grande piacere ed una certa emozione che attraverso questo straordinario mezzo, saluto tutti quanti, con la promessa di essere in contatto con voi più presto e più a lungo possibile, con qualche sorpresa, che spero di poter realizzare per voi, qui da casa. Stento ancora a credere, che tutto ciò sia possibile, eppure è vero, ora siamo insieme, da ogni angolo del mondo possiamo sentirci vicini e questo è un miracolo meraviglioso, che dovrebbe aiutare tutti a sviluppare un senso di grande ottimismo.


translation by Renate/Mickie
Ciao a tutti ,
> Finally I am at my new site and it's with great pleasure and a certain emotion
> that I say hello to all of you through this extraordinary medium, with the
> promise to
> stay in contact with you sooner and longer as possible, with some surprises,
> which I hope I can realize for you, here from home. It's still hard for me to
> believe that all this would be possible, but instead it is true, we are
> together now, from every corner of the world we can feel close to each other,
> and this is a wonderful miracle, which should help everybody to develop a
> feeling of great optimism.
> Andrea>
> translation by Renate/Mickie

Ciao a tutti ,
endlich bin ich auf meiner neuen Seite und mit großer Freude und einer gewissen Aufregung grüße ich alle hier über dieses aussergewöhnliche Medium mit dem Versprechen mit Euch so bald und so lange wir möglich in Kontakt zu sein, mit manchen Überraschungen, die ich hoffe für Euch von hier zu Hause aus realisieren zu können. Es fällt mir noch schwer zu glauben, dass all dies möglich ist, aber es ist tatsächlich wahr, wir sind nun zusammen, aus jeder Ecke der Welt können wir uns einander nah fühlen, und das ist ein herrliches Wunder, das allen helfen sollte, einen gewissen Optimismus zu entwickeln.
Übersetzung Renate

Pim wrote:Tradução Portuguesa:

Cumprimentos a todos,
Finalmente estou no meu novo site, e é com grande prazer e uma especial emoção que vos cumprimento a todos vós, através desta extraordinária Media, com a promessa de ficar em contacto convosco, brevemente ou mais tarde, conforme me seja possível, com algumas surpresas, que penso poder realizar para vós, aqui em casa.

Ainda é dificil para mim acreditar, que tal seja possível, mas em verdade é correcto, nós finalmente estamos juntos, de todos os cantos do mundo, podemo-nos sentir mais próximos uns aos outros, e isto é um milagre maravilhoso, que ajudará a desenvolver em todos, um sentimento de grande optimismo.

Andrea Bocelli
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Postby Lin on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 5:26 pm

Ciao Andrea,

Siamo molto felici di averlo parla alcuni parole a noi. Ringraziarlo per il suo nuovo sito. Sì, finalmente! Aspettiamo tanto tempo per quest'ed eccita molto! È un mondo piccolo veramente con la magia dell'internet tutti noi portare insieme come questo da tutti gli angoli della terra. Siamo molto grati a lei per quest'opportunità. Con l'amore, Lin

Va bene, Tina, sorry. I think and hope my attempt at la bella lingua said:

Hi Andrea,
We are very happy to have you speak a few words to us. Thank you for your new site. Yes, finally! We have waited a long for this and we are very excited! It is a small world really with the magic of the internet we can be together from all corners of the earth. We are very grateful to you for this opportunity. with love, Lin
Last edited by Lin on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Debby on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:02 pm

Mille grazie ...Andrea e Veronica! Ciao a voi e ad amore di auguri..., Debby
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Postby Francesca on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:03 pm

Ciao Andrea ! il primo contatto finalmente ! grazie a te per concederci un po' del tuo tempo cosi precioso . Grazie per questo sito aspettato da molto tempo. E vero, siamo insieme in pensiero per tutto il mondo ovunque tu sia. Un caloroso saluto. Francesca
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Postby PC on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:31 pm

Ringraziarlo Andrea per la sua nota a noi tutti. Spero che lei ha piaciuto suo sta nel US. La prossima volta per favore è venito a Chicago ancora! Phyllis
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Postby Karen/OH on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:31 pm

Grazie Andrea e Veronica per la visita noi al vostro luogo. È molto
emozionante avendoli qui. Divertasi in Cina!

Hope this says:

Thank you Andrea and Veronica for visiting us at your site. It is very exciting having you here. Have a safe and wonderful time in China!
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R: My first contact!

Postby Tina on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:36 pm

Grazie Andrea! Now, can someone please translate into English?? :oops:
La tua voce e' come un dolce dolore nel mio cuore, non c'e nessuno migliore di te!
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R: My first contact!

Postby Carolina on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:51 pm

Please Veronica, tell Andrea what this says, since I can't speak but one or two words of Italian. In fact, I'm the lady who read from a piece of paper the other day in Providence, to tell him that it was the 28th time I've seen him in person. Now that I've rested up, I'm ready for number 29! I'm so looking forward to Werther in Bologna. This tour was just wonderful, and he's left a trail of new fans accross the United States. Mille grazie from all of us!! Ciao, Carole
Ciao, Carolina
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R: My first contact!

Postby Gloria M on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:54 pm

Thank you, Andrea! The New York concert was awesome! I especially loved "Vicino a te" and of course, "New York-New York"! I hope you will be returning to the USA very soon! Thanks for singing--especially for singing opera!
--Gloria M
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Postby Renate on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 6:55 pm

>Ciao Andrea,
> non sarebbe un segreto, se dicessi io che noi, i tuoi fan, siamo felicissimi
> averti finalement un po più vicino. Gran grazie!
> P.S.: following our English and German translations of your words

Ciao a tutti ,
> Finally I am at my new site and it's with great pleasure and a certain emotion
> that I say hello to all of you through this extraordinary medium, with the
> promise to
> stay in contact with you sooner and longer as possible, with some surprises,
> which I hope I can realize for you, here from home. It's still hard for me to
> believe that all this would be possible, but instead it is true, we are
> together now, from every corner of the world we can feel close to each other,
> and this is a wonderful miracle, which should help everybody to develop a
> feeling of great optimism.
> Andrea>
> translation by Renate/Mickie

Ciao a tutti ,
endlich bin ich auf meiner neuen Seite und mit großer Freude und einer gewissen Aufregung grüße ich alle hier über dieses aussergewöhnliche Medium mit dem Versprechen mit Euch so bald und so lange wir möglich in Kontakt zu sein, mit manchen Überraschungen, die ich hoffe für Euch von hier zu Hause aus realisieren zu können. Es fällt mir noch schwer zu glauben, dass all dies möglich ist, aber es ist tatsächlich wahr, wir sind nun zusammen, aus jeder Ecke der Welt können wir uns einander nah fühlen, und das ist ein herrliches Wunder, das allen helfen sollte, einen gewissen Optimismus zu entwickeln.
Übersetzung Renate
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R: My first contact!

Postby Tina on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:03 pm

Andrea, i love surprises!! I cant wait to see what you have for us! And thanks to everyone for the translations! Bravo!
La tua voce e' come un dolce dolore nel mio cuore, non c'e nessuno migliore di te!
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Postby Dottie on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:09 pm

Ciao Andrea,
E' un piacere vedervi.Grazie tu bello cantare.Riposo di quando in quando.
Venire spessissimo. Grazie, Dottie :)
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Postby westsiderny on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:22 pm

Hi Andrea, thanks for taking the time to visiting us. I was at the MSG and I almost fainted when you started playing the first notes of "New York, New York" on the piano! Can we have a little clip of the song here? Pleaaasseee!!!... [-o<
Love you my :king: !!!
"Canto alla vita alla sua bellezza ad ogni sua ferita ogni sua carezza..."

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Postby Big Fan Sue on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:32 pm

Thanks for stopping by and saying "hello" to us Andrea. You were the absolute BEST at your recent performances of your USA tour. Just love the way you sang ""E Lucevan le Stelle" and how you can hold those notes. BFSue \:D/
P.S. If you ever have some spare time :lol: stop by my website devoted to you and discussion board where our motto is BOCELLI IS THE BEST!! :c33:
Last edited by Big Fan Sue on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Astrid on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:39 pm

Ciao Andrea,
sono felicissima di vedere il tuo primo messaggio sul sito - è arrivato puntualmente come regalo di compleanno per me! Grazie mille!
Non vedo l'ora di rivederti a Bologna.
Tanti auguri, buon viaggio, e torna presto!
Con grande affetto, Astrid
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R: My first contact!

Postby Palice on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:44 pm

Ciao Andrea

How wonderful to see you here at this new and wonderful forum! Thanks again for the fantastic concerts in NYC and Providence, I am sure that we enjoyed them just as much as you "3 kids in a sandpit" on stage! He He

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R: My first contact!

Postby CK on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 7:59 pm

Andrea, Per favore, excuse I must write English for now. What an absolutely wonderful surprise to find you here in the midst of a hectic day at work!!! Just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a wonderful recent U.S. tour. I traveled from Dallas and saw you in New York, and I am so grateful I did so! I still can't get "NEW YORK NEW YORK" out of my mind! We will look forward to messages and little surprises from you from time to time; this is really a special thing for us...

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Postby Pim on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:07 pm

Hello Andrea Bocelli,

It is with great pleasure that we finally see a message from you, after, so much that once I wrote to you.

You are extraordinary, and for the moment, you need to rest.

A salve from Portugal.
I believe in a better world... in integrity and verticallity... I believe, that Andrea Bocelli music, will make a better world for many.... that only need a smile at the end of the day.
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Postby Pim on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:15 pm

Andrea Bocelli,

It is a great pleasure, to see you for the first time on line with all the people of the world, that love and cherish yourself.

Indeed, if you are here, for sure, you just finnished USA tour.

It is beyond the words, I could place here, to say how happy I am, to read you in Italian, althought I cannot write.

I am Pim, from Lisbon, we met at PT Mobilé, for sure, I have your program signed but, I wish to tell you, personally, that from an audience point of view prespective, you are the major solist of the world.

I thank you. Andrea
I believe in a better world... in integrity and verticallity... I believe, that Andrea Bocelli music, will make a better world for many.... that only need a smile at the end of the day.
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Postby Pim on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:23 pm

Andrea Bocelli,

I am sorry. I need you to sort out Decca, that in Portugal, does not distribute your records, and at this stage of the year, they had Advertised an English man, whose name is Russell Watson, but when your records do come out, I see no advertisement to the public in general, that do wait here, for months and months.

Our best records shops are gone, and we are left with a Fnac, that is supposed to be International, but it belongs to spain, and I can neither see La Boheme, neither Tosca here.

Nor, Universal, the Distributor of Decca does promote your records, correctly in my Country.

I wish that you could route the right people in order, for the all world have acess and knowledge of whom is Andrea Bocelli.

And also, I wish to ask to you, if you allow, that your Advertising is better done, than it is on my country. Bel Canto, undoubtly deserves the right spot, and the right attention, to be of knowledge of the public.

So to you, I write directly, in this beautiful forum, that we have, with such great members of all the world, that by you, and only by you, we are here altogether from various countries in friendship, because you unite people.

Andrea, I care for you, and you know, or should know, how Portuguese People are, and if they are from Lisbon, as a big Roman General said when he conquered Lisbon, that we were a strange people: Neither we rule, nor we like to be ruled.

Thanks Andrea.

Rest, and take your time, as all the world is waiting for you, for your Operas, for your BelCanto, for your performances, for your books, for your articles, and for your words.

A word of you, is a kindness to your fans, that waited for more than a year together and in friendship, for you, to say, the words you just said.

And thank you Andrea Bocelli, for the lovely forum, and administration and the persons that rule the same, and also, I thank you for that along the years, have given me precious information about you.

Rest, and enjoy life, step by step. May God bless you and the world, because as you, I Believe, in the tomorrow of today.

I believe in a better world... in integrity and verticallity... I believe, that Andrea Bocelli music, will make a better world for many.... that only need a smile at the end of the day.
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Postby annie on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:29 pm

Ciao Andrea ! è un immenso piacere poter parlare con te !
Grazie mille per la tua presenza e per la gioia che mi dai colla tua voce ...
A presto !
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux , on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur ...

Si puo' vedere chiaramente solo attraverso il cuore . L'essenziale é invisible agli occhi ...
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Postby Pim on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:30 pm

Andrea Bocelli,

All the messages or creative writings, that I post to you personally, are for you to read. Not to be moved.

I spent a lot of money to come here, and say Hi.... to someone.... but I want for you to read me....

In the messages I left for you, when you did approach this forum, I know, that you might have many from other fans. Correct. I understand.

But my private messages, are for you, and all that I wrote, independently from whom is behind this board.

I write, a message to the world, to you, to the people less fortunate.... but I wish that you would read, and that I did not see them moved from one place to the other.

It is is the same, when you perform to us. We are there, static listening to you, with all the respect of the world, for such a performer like yourself.

And this is what I hope, that Ballanti, or who ever, or even myself, that I do not deal with computers very well, that you read what I post directly to you.

Thanks Andrea.
I believe in a better world... in integrity and verticallity... I believe, that Andrea Bocelli music, will make a better world for many.... that only need a smile at the end of the day.
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R: My first contact!

Postby Mickie on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:32 pm

Ciao Andrea! Grazie per il tuo messaggio, ma specialmente un grande ringraziamento per il bel regalo del tuo ultimo giro in America. I concerti erano meravigliosi! Ben tornato in Italia per dei pochi giorni di relax prima la tua partenza in Cina. In bocca al lupo! Poi, ti auguro buone feste con i bambini, Veronica e gli amici. A presto a Bologna! Con affetto come sempre, Mickie
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R: My first contact!

Postby kbarham on Wed 26 Nov, 2003 8:43 pm

Thank you Andrea for saying 'hello' to your 'Bocelli Friends' You have brought me so much joy and happiness as well as giving me the strength to cope and carry on in life. I have been to five of your concerts and look forward to seeing you again some day. Through you I have made some wonderful friends from all over the world. Again many thanks and love.
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