Maestro Pavarotti


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Postby Southerngirl on Thu 06 Sep, 2007 11:40 pm

Thank you, Andrea, for your beautiful words expressing how much Mr. Pavarotti meant to you. I know you will miss him dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with his family today as we say goodbye to a wonderful talent that brightened our lives with his voice. He is leading the Angels tonight in song, I'm sure.

I also wish to express my sympathy to you also, Andrea, as you mourn your friend and mentor. I know you will miss him greatly. I will keep you in my prayers also as you go through this sad time in your life.

To Mr. Pavarotti's family and to you, Andrea, I pray that God bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may He lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen.
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Luciano Pavarotti RIP

Postby davidtaggart on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 2:10 am

I was just a rock/pop music fan back in 1990 when I heard Nessan Dorma; the voice was out of this world. As a result I made the decision to get down to London and see him at Hyde park. The royals got wet, as did everyone else ( I got wet through as no umbrella but I didn't care) but the music and singing was magical; I was spellbound. A rock fan who considers a classical concert as one of the best concerts he has ever been to - that was the impact of him an dhis voice on me. As a result I took a deeper interest in classical music and came across your voice and have seen you a few times now - another genius with God given gifts. It must have been an honour for you to sing Ave Maria at his wedding in 2003. The world has lost a irreplaceable musical genius but the memories live on.
Luciano - rest in peace and my thoughts are with your family and friends at this time.
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Postby Lelly on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 1:06 pm

Such a wonderful tribute Andrea - thank you for sharing it with us, you must feel his loss deeply. I'm sure it just reflects the way we all feel about the passing of Maestro Pavarotti - he showed the world that opera can be enjoyed by everyone. He will be greatly missed.
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A beautiful remembrance to honor the loss of a colleague

Postby foreverbocelli on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 1:57 pm

Thank you Andrea for writing such a beautiful memoir in your time of sadness. Pavrotti's voice will indeed live on here with us and will greet us once again in the future. My gratitude to you for reminding me of those thoughts. For now however, it is heaven that is graced with the maestro's beautiful robust voice.

May God grant you the strength that you will need in the days ahead and bless your voice as you pay a final tribute to an honored and beloved gentleman. May his family find comfort in the days that are forthcoming.

May we never forget Pavrotti's contirbutions to the fantastic world of Opera.
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no subject.

Postby jezabel66a on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 4:31 pm

Con la tolerancia que siempre me brindan, y con vuestro permiso dejo la traduccion al español, del mensaje de ANDREA ,hecha desde mi afecto y modesto conocimiento.

Gracias Maestro Pavarotti:

Su imagen jovial y la pronta sonrisa esta presente siempre en mi mente y en mi corazon. En este momento, su voz inconfundible, cristalina, nos alienta a todos nosotros, puestos como estamos frente al misterio de la separacion, al momento de nuestra partida.
Lo apretado de mi corazon se distiende solo al pensamiento que su arte permanecera siempre con nosotros, nos acompañara aun en nuestros viajes en auto, en la casa, en nuestra vida de siempre.
Querria dirigirme directamente al querido Maestro para decirle gracias por todo el profuso empeño por la opera y por nuestra nacion siempre asi altamente por El representada., gracias por haberme indicado el camino e iniciarme al canto lirico y haber tenido su estima por mi siempre renovada, y para mi fuente de satisfaccion.
Gracias Maestro por los cariñosos e imparciales consejos y estimulos para hacer de mi lo mejor. gracias por haber hecho de la opera, un arte traido para muchos y tambien para los no fanaticos, que la han tomado a Ella de la mano y llevado con amor en el maravilloso mundo de la opera Lirica, y de las Grandes canciones, elevadas al rango de clasicos internacionales sin tiempo.
No estara solo en nuestro corazon por siempre, estara en nuestras jornadas, nos acompañara todavia paternalmente en nuestro trabajo y en nuestra existencia, sera como siempre fuente de inspiracion y sosten en la busqueda de la profesionalidad.
Gracias de existir ahora mas que nunca como garantia y certeza de que el mundo de esperanza y fe , que Su generosa voz contribuira a volverse todavia mas bello., de abrir aun sus grandes brazos, de cantar juntos y brindarnos todavia aquella sonrisa luminosa y simple.

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Postby gr8ful2hear on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 5:05 pm

Will there be a translation of the message from Andrea?
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Postby annacelli on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 7:08 pm

Thank you mr. Bocelli for sharing with us your words and feelings concerning the death of mr. Pavarotti.
May mr. Pavarotti rest in peace and never be forgotten.
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Postby carolina1954 on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 7:24 pm

gr8ful2hear wrote:Will there be a translation of the message from Andrea?

It is in English on the Portal page.
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Postby Renate on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 8:27 pm

hier nun endlich meine deutsche Übersetzung

Grazie Maestro Pavarotti.

Ihr joviales Bild und Ihr spontanes Lächeln wird mir immer im Gedächtnis und in meinem Herzen bleiben. In diesem Moment, da wir uns mit dem Geheimnis der endgültigen Trennung konfrontiert sehen, dem Zeitpunkt des Todes, gibt uns allen Ihre unverwechselbare kristallklare Stimme Zuversicht. Der Schmerz in meinem Herzen wird nur erleichtert bei dem Gedanken, dass Ihre Kunst uns immer verbleiben wird, sie wird uns weiter bei unseren Reisen begleiten, zu Hause, bei unserem alltäglichen Leben.
Ich möchte mich direkt an den teuren Maestro wenden, um ihm Dank zu sagen für all seine vielfachen Verdienste um die Oper und unser Land, das immer aufs Beste von ihm repräsentiert wurde, Dank dafür, dass er mir den Weg gezeigt und mich in den klassischen Gesang eingeführt hat und Dank dafür, seine Anerkennung gehabt zu haben, die ich immer zurückgegeben habe und die für mich Quell großer Befriedigung war. Danke Maestro für die wertvollen und objektiven Ratschläge und Anregungen dazu, immer mein Bestes zu geben. Dank dafür, die Oper zu einer Kunst gemacht zu haben, die für viele greifbar, wenn nicht überhaupt zu einer Leidenschaft geworden ist. Die Vielen wurden von Ihnen an die Hand genommen und liebevoll in die wundervolle Welt der Oper und des großen Liedguts eingeführt, das zu den internationalen zeitlosen Klassikern aufgestiegen ist. Sie werden nicht nur immer in unseren Herzen bleiben, sie werden in unserem Alltag sein, Sie werden uns weiter väterlich bei unserer Arbeit begleiten und unserem Leben, sie werden wie immer Quell der Inspiration und Unterstützung bei der Suche nach Professionalität sein. Dank dafür, dass Sie jetzt mehr denn je da sind als Garantie und Sicherheit für eine Welt der Hoffnung und des Glaubens, die durch Ihre generose Stimme noch schöner werden wird. Dank dafür Ihre Arme noch weit für uns auszubreiten, mit uns zusammen zu singen und uns noch jenes strahlende und ehrliche Lächeln zu schenken.

Andrea Bocelli
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Postby annacelli on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 10:39 pm

Renate wrote:hier nun endlich meine deutsche Übersetzung

Danke Renate
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Postby Milleluna2 on Fri 07 Sep, 2007 10:52 pm

I join with everyone in expressing my sincere condolences and sympathy to the family, loved ones, and friends of Mr. Pavarotti. I pray you will be comforted as you mourn, and I pray you find strength and peace in the days ahead. God be with each of you during this time.

Dear Andrea - I am so very sorry you lost your good friend. I am sure you were a good friend to him. I know you added goodness to his life and he loved you. Be strong and thank you for being his friend.

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Postby Iris on Sat 08 Sep, 2007 3:52 am

Andrea, what a beautiful tribute in words to your friend and my sympathy goes out to his family and to you at this very sad time. My prayers and thoughts are with all who will miss his beautiful voice and companionship. Thank you for letting us share your thoughts and feelings regarding your loss. Iris.
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Tg5 Interview with Andrea Bocelli

Postby westsiderny on Sat 08 Sep, 2007 4:27 am

Tg5 Interview with Andrea Bocelli:

"Ha dato più di quello che ha ricevuto"

L'allievo non si stanca di ringraziare con grande commozione il Maestro
Milano, 7 settembre 2007 - Tacere non poteva. Sia pure con la morte nel cuore, Andrea Bocelli. Perché è stato lui a percorrere fino in fondo la via aperta da Pavarotti dall'opera al pop. Lui che veniva dal piano bar più che dai teatri ma ha fortemente voluto fare dopo l'andata anche il viaggio di ritorno. All'amatissima lirica. Tenore leggero di innegabile charme, è l'unica alternativa reale ai Tre Tenori. L'unico suo atipico erede nella popera: dalla cintola in giù direbbe Dante, perché non arriva da una carriera leggendaria ma dal nulla. O meglio, per essere precisi, da Sanremo. ... vuto.shtml
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His torch has been passed

Postby Patrice Adams on Sat 08 Sep, 2007 5:44 am

Thank you Andrea for writing such a beautiful memoir in your time of sadness. Pavrotti's voice will indeed live on here with us and will meet us once again in the future. Heaven has a better choir and a brighter star in the sky above us. I could not help but think of you when I first heard that Signor Pavarotti had gone back to God. My heart hurt more knowing how losing your friend would hurt you. Andrea you are one of the gifts Maestro gave the world, I reached for one of his opera recordings (of which I have many) and there with them are all your MY Andrea Bocelli music. You truly walk as he has a journey that inspires and lifts us all to a better place. God will grant you the strength you will need; he will bless your voice as you pay a final tribute to your beloved friend and mentor for us all. I know Maestro is proud to have you receive the torch to carry on. Love and prayers with you.
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Postby DueBaci on Sat 08 Sep, 2007 12:47 pm

I believe this link will take you directly to the link for live TV.,,News^28^33746,00.html

copy and paste the link into a new browser
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Postby sunflower on Sat 08 Sep, 2007 3:33 pm

Unfortunaly no.
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Postby A819 on Mon 10 Sep, 2007 10:04 am

Con tutto il rispetto e l'affetto saluto in questo doloroso momento a tutti i fans di Luciano Pavarotti. Una delle voci più brillianti del mondo dell'opera, un esempio di lavoro e amore all'arte. Resterà per sempre nei nostri cuori.

Saluti: A819

Grazie per la traduzione in spagnolo Jez
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Postby Brisa on Tue 11 Sep, 2007 2:51 am

I join with everyone in my condolences to Mr. Pavarotti´s family, friends and fans all over the world. My last goodbye to a great artist. His soul will be alive in each song that his voice had sung in his lifetime.
EL silencio más precioso es aquel que nos permite escuchar nuestra alma y la conversación entre dos almas, el sonido más dulce que puede romperlo
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Postby nana1954 on Thu 08 Nov, 2007 7:29 am

I grew up listening to Maestro Pavoratti. He was my aunt's favorite by far. My mother also listened and introduced me to the three tenors. I passed this love to my children and they to their children. My grandson called me to tell me of his passing and that he was glad that he had some of his cds so he could listen (he is only nine). Now he also is glad that we sent him some of Andrea's cds as well. "Andrea" is his favorite so far. It really touched my heart that a child so loved someone he had never met before and would miss so much. We all loved to hear my mother tell us about when she and my aunt met the maestro at the Dorthy Chandler Pavillion in L.A. (they were identical twins). You can imagine the stir.
My condolences to his family and friends. May you all find peace in his going and joy in the music he has so blessed us with.

Dear Andrea, may you be strengthened in this time of sorrow, late though this message may be. May you also be surrounded by love and encouragement, gentleness and understanding.

Thank you for carrying on the torch,

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