San Valentino


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Postby kbarham on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 7:05 pm

Thank you Andrea for taking the time out of your very busy life to give us this lovely message. Thanks also to Massimilliano.
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Postby sofia on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 7:11 pm

With thanks for the message,but I can't see the videos on my computer.
I am surprised because I have windows 2005 and never had this problem before.
Bad luck for me !
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Postby Renate on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 7:25 pm

Folgend ein grobe Übersetzung von Andreas Worten ins Deutsche:

Liebe Freunde

Es ist schon lange her, dass ich das letzte Mal auf der Website vorbeigeschaut habe. Ich weiss, dass ihr überall bei mir seid und ich kann mich Euch nahe fühlen dank der Website. Ich lese Eure Nachrichten und Eure Kommentare sind mir wichtig.

Ich habe beschlossen anlässlich des Valentinstages zurückzukehren, da es das Fest der Liebe ist, und die Liebe ist es, die die Welt sich drehen lässt. So hiess auch die CD, die im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlicht wurde "Amore", und ich möchte euch allen nochmal für Eure Anerkennung und Unterstützung danken.

Ich habe mir vorgenommen, dass ich öfter auf dieser Website erscheinen werde, die mir eine direkte Beziehung zu Euch erlaubt, weil ich es wirklich geniesse.

Vielen Dank!
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Andrea's Valentine greeting

Postby carolann1957 on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 7:41 pm

Thank you, Andrea for the wonderful Valentine greeting! Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day also!
Thanks to Renate for the translation!
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Postby marti on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 7:42 pm

GRAZIE MILLE ANDREA PER QUESTA MERAVIGLIOSA SORPRESA!!!! Il mio San Valentino ora è più dolce!!! speriamo che tu possa farci un'altra sorpresa molto presto!!!
grazie anche a Massimiliano!!!
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Postby Lin on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 8:00 pm

Grazie, Andrea! It is so very nice to hear from you again and especially nice to have the video of you personally delivering your Valentine to us!! I very much appreciate that you appreciate us. You always know how to make us feel special and I guess that is why we love you so much! Grazie ancora.

[font=Comic Sans MS]Tanti Auguri per un Buon San Valentino a te ed a Veronica ed a tutti a caro prezzo a te! Gli abbracci e baci a voi
[/font] ... entino.jpg

Anche, Buon San Valentino a Max, Renate e a tutti qui!

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Postby Janice on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 8:31 pm

Not technically able to see the videos :( but it was a wonderful idea Andrea had to stop by and say hello. :) Certainly hope to see him around here more often. ;) I did remember that last year at this time part of my Valentine's Day celebration included chocolates :D and the new (at the time) AMORE cd. It was a great day!
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Postby MarieJoseeMichele on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 8:51 pm

Merci, Andrea et Max pour le merveilleux video! Buon San Valentino a tutti voi ma specialmente a te Andrea per il bellissimo video, è la prima volta che capisco tutto quelle che hai dico in italiano! Ho cominciato ad imparare l'italiano quando ho ascoltato " Andrea" per la prima volta...and i fell in love with your adorable I really had to understand what you where saying!!!... Abbraccio e baci, mich
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Postby Pirjo on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 9:27 pm

Thank you Andrea for remembering us in such a lovely way. :flower:
Thank you Renate and Massimiliano. :flower:
Happy Valentin's Day to everybody. :flower:
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Postby carolina1954 on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 10:18 pm

What a wonderful surprise, thank you Andrea for thinking of us.
And a great big thank you to all those who made it happen.
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Postby Gloria M on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 10:27 pm

Andrea, it is always a joy to hear from you! I am still enjoying "Amore" and "Pagliacci" and eagerly awaiting the release of your "Cavalleria Rusticana" -- only a few more days! Thank you for sharing your gift of music in so many ways. :)

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Postby angel27 on Wed 14 Feb, 2007 11:23 pm

Grazie mille Andrea! And thanks for letting us know that you think about us. Your gentle voice reflects your gentle heart. You made my day....I hope you enjoyed yours in the way that you wished.

Thanks a lot also to everyone involved.
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Postby Amélia Correia on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:21 am

A special thank you Andrea to remenber us on this special day. I wish you all the love in this world, shall all your dreams come true on this day and forever.

A big kiss to you from a big fan (Amélia)

Um obrigado especial Andrea por se lembrar de nós neste dia especial. Eu desejo-lhe todo o amor neste mundo, que todos os seus sonhos se realizem neste dia e para sempre.

Um grande beijo para si de uma grande fan (Amélia)
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Postby sam on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:50 am

Grazie Andrea!
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Postby LaCavallerizza on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 1:53 am

Che bel modo di cominciare la giornata!

Grazie Andrea per gli auguri e il tuo messaggio.
Buon San Valentino anche a te ed a Veronica.

Anche a Renate ed a Massimmiliano, Buon San Valentino e grazie per il video.

Happy Valentines to all!
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Postby Lin on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 2:33 am

Gloria M wrote: I am still enjoying "Amore" and "Pagliacci" and eagerly awaiting the release of your "Cavalleria Rusticana" -- only a few more days!

Same here. Cavalleria Rusticana should arrive in my mailbox sometime next week for me!!! I just can not wait! :D
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Postby jackyd on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 3:44 am

I am still unable to see videos and we have 2000 xp, Quicktime, etc.. Beautiful picture of Andrea in the news portal. I love watching him and hearing him play the piano.
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Postby Francesca on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 9:07 am

Je suis désolée qu'il n'y ait pas de traduction en français du message d'Andrea, bien que nous l'ayons demandé nous n'avons pas le texte original et je ne veux pas faire n'importe quoi à partir de l'anglais. De plus je ne l'ai ni vu ni entendu.
Si quelqu'un veut le faire ?
Mon amie italienne Stefy va m'envoyer le texte dès qu'elle en aura le temps.
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Postby sam on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 9:46 am

Francesca, ho cercato tante volte di vedere il video, ma mi e' impossibile di scrivere tutto, quel che ho potuto capire sono qualche righe e non di piu' ecco:( Allora cari amici, e' tanto che non mi faccio vivo sul sito, lo so che voi comunque mi seguite un po' ovunque e io vi sento vicini, perche' anche perche' grazie a questo sito abbiamo il modo di scambiare l'opinione.... )

Mi spiace non posso continuare perche' e' impossibile per me :( , spero che Stefy potrebbe aiutarti!
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Postby Michelle on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 10:16 am

Sincere thanks to Andrea for your thoughfulness in recording your message for us - I'm sure you know how much we appreciate it!

And thankyou also to Renate and Massimiliano for their work!

'Fraid I'm with the 'my Quicktime is not up-to-date enough' gang, but I could hear the audio so that was something!

Last edited by Michelle on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Francesca on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 10:23 am

Grazie amica mia, lo so che vorresti fare al meglio per aiutarmi.

Tutto sarebbe stato più semplice se avessimo avuto il testo del messaggio in italiano come al solito invece dell'inglese solo.
Conosco persone che non hanno computer, aspettano da molto tempo un messaggio di Andrea, saranno molto deluse di non averlo.
Come lo sono tutte quelle che, come me, non hanno potuto vedere il video.
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Postby Sherlock on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 11:41 am


Although I rather doubt your St. Valentine's Day message was aimed at a male fan, I should, nonetheless, like to thank you for your admirable consideration towards the loyal nucleus of your fan-base, and also, on a personal level, for the great delight which your magnificent voice continually bestows upon me.

With kind regards, and very best wishes for your continuing success and future happiness.
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Postby westsiderny on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:02 pm

Francesca wrote:Come lo sono tutte quelle che, come me, non hanno potuto vedere il video.

You can download the video and play it in Real Player or whatever other you have I guess. Click on this link:

and then, click on Andrea (whenever you prefer :wink: ) and a box will open and then click on 'download video' and then click on 'Save'. Repeat the same operation to download the message. I am sure you know where to save your videos. You don't need Quicktime to play them. I have Real Player. Hope it works for you this time.

Sorry for my empirical instructions but I am a big zero in technology and its terms. But, as they say: where there is a will, there is a way.

Good luck!
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Postby sam on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:20 pm

Grazie Nellie! :D

Allora Francesca, dove sei? il video ti aspetta! basta fare come dice Nellie!
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Postby Francesca on Thu 15 Feb, 2007 12:27 pm

Ho provato tutto questo e il resultato è solo un quadrato bianco....

Ma grazie per le spiegazioni che ho capito bene :) sei molto gentile Nellie

Pensando che non vedro' mai più i video (che vedevo prima senza problemi) sono tristissima e non sono sicura che la colpa sia di Mr Bill Gates :roll:
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