My first contact!


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R: My first contact!

Postby libraryguy on Thu 08 Jan, 2004 4:16 am


I never thought I would get to almost chat with you. Your recordings are meraviglioso. Thanks for posting to the message board. I hope you had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
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Postby on Thu 08 Jan, 2004 2:43 pm

Grazie Andrea
Buona fortuna, sempre.
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Re: My first contact!

Postby santusay on Fri 16 Jan, 2004 12:55 am

hello Andrea: to the aim I can be connected with you, despues of a concerted effort... I promise to always follow in Internet everything on you and wait for conocerte someday (if you manage to go of tour by my country)and to talk mainly obtaining your musical productions (this way he is dificil) and to talk with you, if you wish until I can be your tour guide. Promise to you to learn Italian....ah and a Happy Year (more bond takes that never)

Andrea Bocelli wrote:Ciao a tutti ,
sono finalmente nel mio nuovo sito ed è con grande piacere ed una certa emozione che attraverso questo straordinario mezzo, saluto tutti quanti, con la promessa di essere in contatto con voi più presto e più a lungo possibile, con qualche sorpresa, che spero di poter realizzare per voi, qui da casa. Stento ancora a credere, che tutto ciò sia possibile, eppure è vero, ora siamo insieme, da ogni angolo del mondo possiamo sentirci vicini e questo è un miracolo meraviglioso, che dovrebbe aiutare tutti a sviluppare un senso di grande ottimismo.


translation by Renate/Mickie
Ciao a tutti ,
> Finally I am at my new site and it's with great pleasure and a certain emotion
> that I say hello to all of you through this extraordinary medium, with the
> promise to
> stay in contact with you sooner and longer as possible, with some surprises,
> which I hope I can realize for you, here from home. It's still hard for me to
> believe that all this would be possible, but instead it is true, we are
> together now, from every corner of the world we can feel close to each other,
> and this is a wonderful miracle, which should help everybody to develop a
> feeling of great optimism.
> Andrea>
> translation by Renate/Mickie

Ciao a tutti ,
endlich bin ich auf meiner neuen Seite und mit großer Freude und einer gewissen Aufregung grüße ich alle hier über dieses aussergewöhnliche Medium mit dem Versprechen mit Euch so bald und so lange wir möglich in Kontakt zu sein, mit manchen Überraschungen, die ich hoffe für Euch von hier zu Hause aus realisieren zu können. Es fällt mir noch schwer zu glauben, dass all dies möglich ist, aber es ist tatsächlich wahr, wir sind nun zusammen, aus jeder Ecke der Welt können wir uns einander nah fühlen, und das ist ein herrliches Wunder, das allen helfen sollte, einen gewissen Optimismus zu entwickeln.
Übersetzung Renate

Pim wrote:Tradução Portuguesa:

Cumprimentos a todos,
Finalmente estou no meu novo site, e é com grande prazer e uma especial emoção que vos cumprimento a todos vós, através desta extraordinária Media, com a promessa de ficar em contacto convosco, brevemente ou mais tarde, conforme me seja possível, com algumas surpresas, que penso poder realizar para vós, aqui em casa.

Ainda é dificil para mim acreditar, que tal seja possível, mas em verdade é correcto, nós finalmente estamos juntos, de todos os cantos do mundo, podemo-nos sentir mais próximos uns aos outros, e isto é um milagre maravilhoso, que ajudará a desenvolver em todos, um sentimento de grande optimismo.

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Postby aleinad232000 on Mon 02 Feb, 2004 12:08 am

Carissimo Andrea
Ieri sera ho visto su "Anteprima" i preparativi per Werther.
Ah come sei bello! Non sai cosa sento quando vedo il tuo stupendo viso!
Grazie di esistere!
Un bacio
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Postby Maggis on Tue 27 Jul, 2004 2:32 pm

Andrea Bocelli,

is it possible to reply to andrea only
One gets closer to truth when expecting nothing other than to be closer to it tomorrow than today and to profoundly yearn for this.
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Postby DueBaci on Fri 27 Aug, 2004 2:37 pm

... try sending him a Private Message.
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Postby Jenifer on Thu 09 Dec, 2004 6:19 pm

Dear Andrea;

Thank you for this wonderful website. Our friend Bill Freeman who is 81 years old saw you in concert when you were here in Vancouver, Canada. He wrote a beautiful poem to you. I posted it in your poetry section. Please read it when you have some time. Yours truly, Jenifer
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How fantastisc this is!

Postby Dee Dee on Sat 15 Jan, 2005 8:34 pm


I am very new to this site and just wanted to echo all the sentiments written by your many other fans here Andrea.

I am amazed that with your busy schedule and so many demands placed upon you, that you find time to actually post to your fans. I have joined many websites dedicated to different musicians, singers and band but this is the FIRST one that the person its dedicated to has actually had so much respect for his fans that they have posted to them.

I would just like to thank you for giving us the beauty of your voice, which inspires me and makes me feel incredibly happy. I am sure if angels could sing they would not sound as beautiful as you do.

I wish you every success in your forthcoming projects, tours and recordings and thank God for for the ability to hear such beauty and to appreciate the talent that you have.

God Bless you Andrea and stay safe.

Dee Dee. xx
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Re: How fantastisc this is!

Postby Renate on Sat 15 Jan, 2005 10:42 pm

Hello Dee Dee, welcome and thank you very much for your thoughtful words! I am personally very happy that you noticed:
Dee Dee wrote: I have joined many websites dedicated to different musicians, singers and band but this is the FIRST one that the person its dedicated to has actually had so much respect for his fans that they have posted to them.

Indeed we sometimes here tend to being unhappy, because Andrea doesn't show up more often. But you realized the facts. You are very right!
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Postby sofia on Sun 16 Jan, 2005 11:22 am

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Postby Dee Dee on Sun 16 Jan, 2005 11:55 am

Thank you Renate och Sofia for your welcome and your kind words.

I am so happy I found this forum and it is also very good to see such a good "Admin" of a site too - a lot of work goes on behind the scenes of a website and its often forgotten by those who use a site, as Sofia has said.

Grazie - hope thats spelled correctly and thanks again for the welcome.

Stay happy

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Postby sofia on Sun 16 Jan, 2005 4:15 pm

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Postby Dee Dee on Sun 16 Jan, 2005 6:59 pm


Just had some time out from studying and listened to Romaza again - a perfect way to spend some relaxing time on a Sunday afternoon. I am now in an extremely happy content mood.

Thanks again Andrea for the beautiful music

Dee Dee =D>
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Postby jj on Wed 19 Jan, 2005 4:11 pm

hello *Ciao a tutti* ~

Just so nice to get this website now to see Andrea's words in italain:), as am from Asia, Taiwan here.. but yea, i do and really like Andrea's music... *Tu ci sei..* :P enjoyable there..

anywyas, hope everybody's good here, and Grazei Andrea~
Nice music for us~
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Hello from Portugal!

Postby MariaJoao on Sun 23 Jan, 2005 10:59 pm

Hello Andrea,

and hello everybody from Portugal! It's sunny and cold outside, indoors it's cosy, warm and I'm playing Andrea's music over and over again in my laptop. A nice sunday, no doubt!

I've just joined this forum and it feels wonderful to be here with so many who share my passion for Andrea's music. One popular portuguese song states that "you can't love someone who doesn't listen to the same song" ("não se ama alguém que não ouve a mesma canção"), so we could well say there surely is a very strong link binding us all together - all the beautiful feelings Andrea's music brings into our lives.

And you will fully understand when I tell you the first thing that attracted me in my husband was his saying his favourite singer was Andrea... :oops:

I chose the little angel as my avatar because of CANTICO (fom the Sogno CD): "E se vorrai crederlo / Io sarò l'angelo / Che non ti abbandonerà / ... ". Every word, every sentence touches deeply into my life. So thank you very much, Andrea, for singing it so beautifully and for all its strength.

A huge hug to all - and may the new year 2005 bring the world closer to peace,

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Postby Milay on Mon 24 Jan, 2005 3:57 am

Olá Maria João. Já somos 2 no Porto. E há a Pim, em Lisboa.O site está a ficar cheio de portuguesas ... Aqui gosta-se de Bocelli visses dias 14 e 15 na Madeira...
Bem Vinda ao site! Eu já sou velha por aqui.
E como o meu inglês é mesmo mau! escrevo na nossa língua ! tão mais parecida com a de Andrea.
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Postby Diosa De Oro on Mon 24 Jan, 2005 5:14 am

Hello to all the Bocelli fans and ALLO to MI BELLISIMO ANDREA....You are the angel that fell from heaven...and your voice is that of a ray of gold....heaven on earth.
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Postby Honolulu03 on Wed 09 Feb, 2005 7:45 pm

Andrea: I just LOVE YOU so much!! Your voice is beyond magnificent!! Your new CD 'Andrea' brings tears to my eyes and so much emotion to my heart (as does all of your music)!!!

May God continue to bless you AlWAYS, and protect you!

Honolulu, Hawaii USA
P.S. you can visit us here in the islands if you like. It is beautiful and fragrant here- ALMOST as wonderful as Italy!!! - There are many, many people here who love you!!! (We could very easily fill the stadium a few times!) If not, OH WELL, I'll just have to go back to Italy to see you!
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Postby malty1 on Wed 16 Feb, 2005 4:36 pm

Hello Andrea

Have just spent the weekend in newcastle where i went to the Metro Arena to see you in concert......I'd just like to that you for the best concert i've ever had the privilige to see.....I've been a fan of yours for many years now but up until now have never had the oppurtunity to see you live,i had tickets as a xmas present from my boyfriend to see you on saturday,i travelled over 300 miles to you.....and it was the best present i've ever had.
I knew you'd be good but just how good i could never imagine until i saw you live,it was just amazing,when you sang time to say goodbye at the end there was'nt a dry eye to be seen anywhere.....
To me your the best singer i've ever heard,your voice sends shivers down my spine whenever i listen to you.....and since seeing you saturday your voice makes me feel just so emotional and into every song you sing,you put so much passion and emotion into everything you sing,your just fantastic.
I cant wait to see you again.......
Thankyou so much for the best evening of music i've ever had.....

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Postby justlaura on Wed 16 Feb, 2005 10:13 pm

Helen, so nice to hear from you! It is quite the experience, seeing Andrea perform for the first time, huh? What a generous (and smart) boyfriend you have, for giving you those tickets. There is talk of a concert in Oxford at the end of April, with ticket prices that are VERY reasonable... if it gets confirmed and announced, maybe you can repay the favor to your boyfriend!
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Postby Renate on Thu 17 Feb, 2005 12:11 am

justlaura wrote:...Oxford at the end of April, with ticket prices that are VERY reasonable... if it gets confirmed and announced, maybe you can repay the favor to your boyfriend!

:?: the Oxford concert is confirmed and announced already fo while, no?
see schedule on the Official Site and Ballanti's annoucement on this forum.
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Postby justlaura on Thu 17 Feb, 2005 12:32 am

Oops! You are right of course... So Helen / Malty1, don't pay any attention to what I said except for "welcome"!
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Postby malty1 on Thu 17 Feb, 2005 12:01 pm

Hi Again

Thankyou for your replies

Have just spoken to my boyfriend about the concert in oxford and we're gonna book up later on today.
Im excited
I wont have to travel 300 miles this time either as im only an hour away from oxford,although all the travelling was well worth it.
So once again thankyou for replying.....Im well chuffed :D

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Postby justlaura on Thu 17 Feb, 2005 2:28 pm

Oh how cool, Helen! That is how it is for a lot of new fans -- they get "hooked" very fast and attend several concerts in a short time, when it is possible. You are so lucky that Andrea happens to be blessing the UK with a lot of appearances right now -- I'm glad that you may be able to take advantage of it!
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Postby malty1 on Thu 17 Feb, 2005 3:28 pm

O yes your right,been a fan for years,seen him for the first time,now cant get enough of him....
Best to make the most of him while he's over here i reckon,might be a while before he comes back again.....
Trying to get hold of his wine aswell,have emailed loads of wine websites even had one site contacting their wine advisor but could'nt find anywhere with any...
Could any of you help with that please?
Only wanting a couple of bottles,one to taste and one to keep,no luck as of yet :(
Hopefully find somewhere to get some soon.
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