
Discussions about Operas

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Postby Deana@USA on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 4:11 am

Hi Southerngirl !
We are neighbors, I live in Clarksville. Funny to meet you here!
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Postby Deana@USA on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 4:13 am

Are we the only two people Andrea fans in Ar? I doubt it. I am happy to be a part of this website. When did you first hear of Andrea?
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Postby sofia on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 11:27 am

Deana,flemish is my first language but I also speak french and english.
The german community here in belgium is only a small one so not everybody in belgium knows german.I understand german and speak a little.
One of our big specialities here are the belgian chocolates,I think they are well-known outside the country.
If one day I get the chance to meet Andrea Bocelli I will offer him chocolates from belgium,even if he is on a diet.
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Postby marti on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 1:01 pm

Hi Deana! I study english at school and I started when I was 8.....10 years ago and my english is still so... poor! :cry:
anyway, "a presto" in italian means "see you soon"
CIAO! 8) :)
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Postby Deana@USA on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 11:24 pm

How does one learn so many languages? Yes belgian chocolates, I have heard much about them. I'm sure Andrea would gladly accept the chocolates. Today is my youngest sons birthday, he is 6 years old. I,ve been cooking all day, his favorite meals and his favorite cake.

I am ready to sit down for a while, but we have company coming soon, so I must go.
Look forward to talking to you soon,
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Postby Deana@USA on Fri 17 Aug, 2007 11:27 pm

i think your english is great! I started my Italian lastnight, but I have a question.. What does "ragazzi "mean? That is the one word I could not figure out..
Thank's for explaining "a presto"..
I have to go get ready for a birthday party,
Ciao! :)
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Postby Southerngirl on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 12:26 am

Hi Deanna, it's so nice in that part of Arkansas. The company I work for has a store in Fort Smith and Springdale, so I go up quite a bit and I love it up in the ozarks.

How did I first find out about Andrea? I"ve seen him on TV through the years and was somewhat interested/facinated, but nothing life changing. In May I was catching up on all the Soprano episodes and heard a song that mesmerized and haunted me. I had to find out what it was and who sang it. Well, of course, it was Andrea and the song was Con te Partiro. I hae not been the same girl since. He has captured my heart and delights my senses.

How about you? I love to hear the stories of how we all were pulled into his world - the situations are different, but we all fell for him in the same way. He really touches something deep inside of us with his music. I'm a fan for life.
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Postby Lynnanne on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 3:31 am

Hi, all. I have been a member of this board for awhile, but work full time and hardly have time to read let alone post. Deanna, I'm curious about the Rosetta Stone language course. Is it good? Easy? My husband and I went to Tuscany in June and now would like to learn the language. He knowa a bit of Italian...his family came from Sicily. Dialect is a bit different though.

Southerngirl, I "met" Andrea while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in 2004. I heard his voice and looked up at the TV and said, "Who is that...what a beautiful voice!" Later that day I mentioned this to my husband's nephew who was visiting from Las Vegas. He said "That was Andrea Bocelli...I saw him in Vegas. He's awesome." I went out the next day and bought "Andrea" and since then I'll bet I've listened to Mr. Bocelli every single day!

BTW, I'm in South Carolina but work with a woman from Arkansas :)

Lynn, a Bocelli addict
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Postby Deana@USA on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 1:37 pm

Hi southerngirl!
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Postby Deana@USA on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 1:42 pm

I learned of Andrea about 5 years ago. MY family and I were visiting my parents in Ca, and my mom was playing it one afternoon, as she was preparing a huge Italian feast for us. Her Dad was visiting as well from New Jersey, and he had introduced her to him.

As I stopped and listened as "Sogno " played, I felt as you said, mesmerized! I could not believe what I was hearing. I went right out and bought the "Sogno" cd, so I could make sure I had it once we returned to Arkansas, and I've been hooked every since. My boys love him, we are always listening to him in the car, loud... They like to pretend to sing, it makes me laugh.
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Postby Deana@USA on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 1:52 pm


I think the Rosetta Stone is going to be great. I've only had the time to do one lesson, but it is really easy to use. I received a coupon in the mail through the homeschool circuit, that saved me $30.00, had a free headset microphone, and free shipping. The set says 'homeschool"version, but it is the same as the other, the HS version just comes with an additional disc, that you can use for "lesson plans " with students. Anyway... this sale is good through August 31st, and all you have to do is call it in, or go online and enter the coupon code. My mom is ordering it for her so we can learn together. The phone number is 888-232-9245 or online RosettaStone.com/hsm871 If you call it in then you would just gie them the code hsm871. It has a 6 month money back guarentee. Ok, that was way longer than I meant for it to be. I promise I dont secretely work for Rosetta Stone... I just thought I would pass on the savings .
How wonderful that you have traveled to Italy! My younger sister has been twice already, and my parents too. At this point, we will have to wait until our boys are much older. And I will have to get over my anxiety about flying.. Oh well, all that gives me plenty of time, to learn to speak italian really good!
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Postby Lynnanne on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 4:49 pm

Deana, thanks for the great info on Rosetta. Where in NJ is your mother's father from? My daughter lives in Milltown...it's near New Brunswick. She went to Rutgers and decided to stay! My husband is from Brooklyn. We try to get up there once a year to see our daughter.

Anyway, can't wait to start learning Italian. We went to Tuscany and a few days in Roma. Absolutely loved it...would like to live in Tuscany but doubt that'll ever happen. I missed the July 5 concert in Lajatico by 10 days...boo hoo. I was so upset but we couldn't change our plans for various reasons. Maybe another time. I've never heard Andrea in person...it's too expensive to fly from SC to the places he has been so far.
Hoping someday he'll get closer to me and I'll get to go. I hope you make it someday to Italy. My girls (3 of them) are all in their 20's and early 30's so that's not my problem anymore, but I understand how hard it is to get away with young children.
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Postby marti on Sat 18 Aug, 2007 6:49 pm

Ciao! :lol:
the english for ragazzi is "boys" while for "ragazze" is "girls" :lol: :P

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Postby Deana@USA on Sun 19 Aug, 2007 12:22 am

Thanks for the info.. That makes sense now, but I could not figure it out .
Ciao :cheers:
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Postby Deana@USA on Sun 19 Aug, 2007 1:05 am


My grandfather lives in Union, NJ. I dont know how far it is from Milltown, or Brooklyn. I've been there to visit a few times when I was still living at home, but its been about 18 years since I was there last. We had such a great time, it's like a different world there. Our last trip was in August, and I'll never forget the humidity. That was the hottest I've ever been in my life! I live in Arkansas, and the humidity is pretty bad, but not as bad as there! To top it off, my grandpa (nonno) does not have air conditioning! I could not believe it, I thought everyone had a/c, but all he has in a window unit in his bedroom. That part was not so fun... The rest of the trip however was amazing. The deli's, the bakeries, the CHEESE! It was there I had proscuitto for the first time, YUM!
We went t see my great, great aunt while we were there. She owned a three story house, and lived on the top floor! She was in her 80's then. She did not speak any english. SHe made manicotti for us, I was still full from breakfast, so I was eating slow, and I remember her yelling at me, "mangia, mangia!" (eat, eat) So I did... alot! My aunt (la zia) Concetta was a sweet, funny woman.

You m entioned that you have two daughters, I I have two sisters. My sisters and there families still live in Ca. within in 2 miles of my parents. I miss them so much, but when Jason and I got married, almost 11 years ago, we agreed that we both wanted for me to be able to stay home with our children someday, and we wanted to live in a small safe town. We have two boys, they are 6 & 9 years old now. I homeschool them, it's alot of fun.

I would love to travel to Italy someday. Especially Tuscany. what was your favorite thing about your trip??

I hope I have not bored you too much..
A presto ciao! which as I learned from Marti means, "see you soon, bye".
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Postby Lynnanne on Sun 19 Aug, 2007 10:43 pm


No, you have not bored me! Union sounds very familiar so it might be close to where my daughter (I have 3 daughters,actually) lives. We lived in Jersey for 2 years...in Randolph and maybe that's why Union is familiar.
I know what you mean about the deli food up there...it's the best! I can get decent stuff here but it's just not the same as up there for sure.

The best thing about my trip to Italy? Wow, hard question because it was all so wonderful. It made me wish I could live there. Tuscany is peaceful, serenc and oh so beautiful...never saw such views...and the people were very, very friendly and laid back. That's where I'd live if I could. It's as wonderful as Andrea says it is! We went to Montepulciano because of the excellent wines in that region. Rome was amazing. To just walk down the streets past ruins that Augustus Caesar might have, and probably did, walk by is beyond description. I only wish I'd paid better attention in my Latin classes! One thing that, at least for me, was special was that I dragged my husband to the Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. This is a church where Andrea did a concert and recorded his DVD, "Sacred Arias. (One of my favorites.) It was kind of neat to be standing on a spot that I knew he stood at one time. (Maybe even better than standing where Caesar stood :) We came back home only 10 days prior to his July 5 concert in Lajatico, which was the worst thing about my trip. We didn't get to that part of Tuscany, but hope to return in '08 to that area. Maybe I'll get lucky and Andrea will be doing a concert then. Something to look forward to anyway. I know it must be hard not to be with your sisters often. My girls are close and I hope they don't move too far from one another. My oldest is the one in Jersey (31), then I have one (25 ) here near me and one in Charleston (23) about 3 hours away. Only the oldest is married.

Well, I ran on as usual so I'll quit now!
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Postby Deana@USA on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 1:16 am


I just watched a movie that was filmed in Tuscany, and the little that I saw in the picture was absolutely beautiful.
I have not heard Sacred Arias, but I ordered a couple of his cd's last week, and I am expecting them tomorrow. I ordered, "Amore", and "Under the Tuscan Sky", it is a dvd, and a cd set. I am so excited!

Well my boys are calling... and I want to fit in another Italian lesson before bed.
Talk to you soon,
Deana :)
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Postby carolina1954 on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 4:31 pm

Excellent choice, Deana, "Under the Tuscan Skies" ....lovely video, was the first time I actually saw him sing.

You really should get the "Sacred Arias" DVD too, that is too beautiful not to own.
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Postby Deana@USA on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 7:13 pm

Hi Carolina!

Nice to meet you.. Now I am even more excited to get my dvd, and I will have to get the "Sacred Arias" dvd as well. Lynnanne said that 'Sacred Arias" was her favorite cd as well.
I have only seen Andrea sing a couple of times, and it was only one song, so I can not wait to see an entire concert. How long have you been a fan?
Take Care,
Deana :cheers:
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Postby carolina1954 on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 8:28 pm

Deana, I have only been a real fan for about 2 years.
I heard a CD of a man singing whilst browsing in a shop about 3 years ago, and asked the owner who the singer was. She told me it was Bocelli.
I then found some songs by him on the internet, burned a CD and played it occasionally.
I lived in Holland at the time and came back to England in July 2005 and then really got into him.
Gradually I bought all the CDs and DVDs and in March 2006 I saw him live for the first time and now I don't really listen to anything else.
Viaggio Italiano is my favourite album, followed by Sacred Arias.

I hope you get the DVD soon ....you will love it.
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Postby kaycarley on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 9:47 pm

Caroline! I can't believe that you have been a fan for such a short time. You have certainly made up for lost time - I would not have been surprised if you had been a fan for 10 years or so!
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Postby carolina1954 on Mon 20 Aug, 2007 10:18 pm

I know, Kay, I certainly made up for it !
To think of all the many opportunities to go and see him, here and in Western Europe, that I missed...
I was very lucky to win tickets to go and see him in in March, in London at the BBC studios, to record " Can't help falling in Love" for "All time Movie Greats". Got the phone call the day before, would I like to go as someone else had dropped out !
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Postby Lynnanne on Tue 21 Aug, 2007 12:02 am

Carolina, like you I've only been a Bocelli fan for a few short years...not quite three yet, but his music seems to be all that I listen to now. No one else measures up IMHO! Viaggio Italiano is one of my favorites too, as well as Sacred Arias. I loved the concert he did at the Met in NYC too...it was on their website for a bit. You are so very lucky to have heard him in person.
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Postby DueBaci on Tue 21 Aug, 2007 1:50 am

carolina1954 wrote:I know, Kay, I certainly made up for it !
To think of all the many opportunities to go and see him, here and in Western Europe, that I missed...
I was very lucky to win tickets to go and see him in in March, in London at the BBC studios, to record " Can't help falling in Love" for "All time Movie Greats". Got the phone call the day before, would I like to go as someone else had dropped out !

you lucky duck ! .. what a treat no ? Tell us more about it please.
About how many folks were there ?
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Postby carolina1954 on Tue 21 Aug, 2007 10:15 am

This was March 2006 and there were about 250 people in the audience, was recorded in a very small studio, for a BBC programme about great songs from great movies, and I sat in row 2, about 20 feet away from Andrea, and of course the other singers, who were, to name a few, you might recognise: Shirley Bassey, Cyndi Lauper, Robin Gibb, Vittorio Grigolo.
Most of the others had to do 2 or 3 takes, for various technical reasons, but of course, Andrea managed to do it in only 1......such a shame, for us :)
He was walked on stage by Veronica, parked his backside on this rickety stool, (looked very unsafe !) and just sang......beautifully, and Carlo played the piano.
He then had to wait a minute or two, I heard him ask if it was allright, and it was, then Veronica came and collecte him again and he waved goodbye....

The BBC give free tickets to some recordings and I just submitted my request for 2 tickets (3 times...lol, to be sure), heard nothing byt the closing date and thought, oh well, never mind. Then I got a phone call, at work the Tuesday afternoon, would I like to go, well, would I, mmmm..... well, I may have to stay in and wash my hair.....
Would I go, what a silly question !
My daughter was originally going to go with me, as I am not very familiar with London, but at such short notice she couldn't make it, but she found a friend who is a big Shirey Bassey fan and we had a great night together.
I managed to get a couple of nice photos too, thinking about those, I wonder if I ever sent them to Renate, must check that.

Just checked it, and no, there's no record of it. I shall mail her and ask if she'd like them.
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