Cari amici,


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Cari amici,

Postby Andrea Bocelli on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 10:38 am

Cari amici,
voglio ringraziarvi innanzitutto per l'attenzione e il tempo che dedicate al mio sito, attraverso il quale posso farmi un'idea abbastanza precisa delle vostre opinioni, circa il mio lavoro, che, come sapete, a voi è essenzialmente rivolto.
Come avrete certo notato, non intervengo spesso, ma posso assicurarvi, che quasi ogni giorno vengo a curiosare in questo fantastico mondo virtuale, nel quale tutti quanti riusciamo a sentirci virtualmente vicini, dialogando dagli opposti capi del mondo.
Io amo starmene dietro le quinte e vivere le vostre sensazioni, i vostri dubbi e le vostre domande.
Oggi ad esempio ho scoperto, che un articolo apparso su un giornale spagnolo ha suscitato appassionate discussioni... che dire... come sarebbe facile fare il mestiere del cantante se non ci fosse il problema delle numerosissime interviste in numerosissime diverse lingue, in un breve tempo, con argomenti, che sono sempre i soliti?
Purtroppo a volte non si riesce a farsi capire chiaramente: parlare ad un giornalista straniero con il tramite dell'interprete, che deve tradurre prima la domanda, poi la risosta, non è facile ed è altresì abbastanza imprudente: si rischia di essere fraintesi in modo più o meno grave. Questa volta, credo proprio che la giornalista ed io non ci siamo capiti: non ho mai detto di essere contaminato dal danaro (ne ho piuttosto prese le distanze), nè ho mai detto di essere troppo ricco. Il concetto era ben diverso: ho sempre ritenuto il danaro un mezzo, che oltre certi limiti può divenire assai pericoloso, così come un farmaco, che nelle giuste dosi può combattere efficacemente un malessere (nel caso del danaro: l'indigenza),mentre in dosi superiori provoca un avvelenamento. Ho detto poi alla signora, che nella società del benessere ci sono molti individui che hanno più di quanto possa loro servire ed io reputo di appartenere a questa categoria di persone, dal momento che, un buon libro, un pianoforte e qualche amico, sono quanto di meglio possa immaginare per le mie giornate di libertà, che, detto per inciso, sono davvero poche. Ecco tutto quello che sull'argomento c'era da dire, tutto per altro abbastanza scontato, tanto scontato, che è davvero bizzarro, il fatto che abbia trovato spazio sulle colonne di un giornale, " ma il mondo vuol così " recitava una vecchia commedia quindi, va preso com'è. Quel che più conta è che ci sia il tempo di fare musica e di farla sul serio: è molto prossima la prima della - "Messa di gloria" di Giacom Puccini e del "Canto di pace" di Marco Tutino. Uno spartito quest'ultimo, di musica dei nostri giorni ed è la prima opera contemporanea in cui mi cimento; scritta su testo di Papa giovanni Paolo II, è musica veramente suggestiva e, dopo il primo ascolto, ci si cade dentro con grande piacere. Spero di essere in buona forma per poter dare il meglio di me, ho comunque la coscienza a posto: mi sono preparato con cura e tutto sommato mi sento abbastanza tranquillo. Mi piacerebbe tanto riuscire a passare sul sito la registrazione di questo concerto, ma le problematiche sono tante e complesse. Farò del mio meglio, perché questo accada, per il bene della musica e di tutti coloro che la amano e che di essa si nutrono per vivere, come è sempre accaduto a me.
Fra poche ore inizieranno le prove ed io devo impormi un po' di riposo.
Vi saluto con affetto,

Dear Friends,
First of all I wanted to thank you for your interest and the time you dedicate to my web site, from which I can get a fairly clear idea of your opinions about my work which, as you know, is essentially for you.
As you will certainly have noticed, I don’t intervene very often, but I can assure you that almost every day I come and browse around in this fantastic virtual world in which we can all feel virtually close, talking to each other from opposite ends of the earth.
I love to be behind the scenes experiencing your sensations, your doubts and your questions.
For example, today I discovered that an article published in a Spanish newspaper had caused heated discussions…What can I say?…How easy it would be to be a singer if there was not the problem of the many interviews in so many different languages, done in such a short time and on subjects which are always the same?
Unfortunately sometimes it is not easy to make oneself understood clearly: talking to a foreign journalist through an interpreter, who first has to translate the question and then the reply, is not easy and it is also fairly risky: there is always the danger of being misunderstood in ways which can be more or less serious. This time I really think that the journalist and I did not understand each other: I never said that I had been contaminated by money (I have rather distanced myself from it); nor have I ever said that I was too rich. The concept was quite a different one: I have always considered money to be a means, which beyond certain limits can become rather dangerous, just as a medicine, which administered in the correct dosage can efficiently combat an ailment (in the case of money this would be poverty), in greater doses can act as a poison. I then told the journalist that in a wealthy society there are many people who have more than they need and that I considered myself to be included in this number, given that a good book, a piano and a few friends are the best things I could wish for to satisfy me on my free days, which, by the way, are really very few. This was all there was to be said on the matter, all of which was rather predictable, so predictable in fact that it is really bizarre that it should have found its way onto the pages of a newspaper. “But that’s the way of the world” as the famous playwright said and so it must be accepted the way it is. What is more important is that there should be time to make music and to make it seriously: the opening nights of Giacomo Puccini’s “Messa di Gloria” and Marco Tutino’s “Canto di Pace” are coming up soon. The latter is a contemporary music score and it is the first modern day opera I have attempted. Composed to lyrics by Pope John Paul II, it is really evocative music and, after hearing it for the first time, one falls into it with great pleasure. I hope I will be in good shape to be able to perform it to my best , in any event my conscience is clear: I have prepared for it carefully and all in all I feel fairly confident. I would love to be able to put the recording of this concert onto the web site but the associated problems are many and complex. I will do my best to make this happen for the sake of music and for all those who love it and who derive nourishment from it to live, as I have always done.
Rehearsals will begin in a few hours from now and I must get some rest.
Affectionately yours,
Andrea Bocelli
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Postby kbarham on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 11:08 am

Thank you Andrea for taking the time from your very busy schedule to speak to us. Im afraid I will have to wait for a translation into English to get the 'real message'. :) I must work harder on learning Italian!
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Postby sam on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 11:18 am

Grazie Andrea! Che bella sorpresa! Grazie anche per le spiegazioni!
sono sicura che darai del tuo meglio come sempre! tutto andra' bene! lo so!
Ah se potessimo avere la registrazione del concerto! sarebbe cosi' bello per noi che non possiamo attendere il concerto!
Allora forza Andrea! noi siamo con te e ti voliamo bene!
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Postby anna62 on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 11:49 am

Grazie Andrea per l'interesse che porti a quel sito ...ed a noi ! E' sempre un piacere leggere le tue parole ! Le tue spiegazioni ti sembravano necessarie , ma tu devi saperlo , per noi , noi c'erano alcuno dubbio : sappiamo che sei una personna per chi l'amicizia è più importante che il denaro ( e l'amicizia che porti a noi è prezioza ...)!
Purtroppo , non posso essere a Firenze , ma sto aspettando il concerto di Bercy !
In bocca al lupo .... e se il concerto è registrato e diffuso sul sito : meno male !!
Sarai per sempre nel mio cuore !
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux , on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur ...

Si puo' vedere chiaramente solo attraverso il cuore . L'essenziale é invisible agli occhi ...
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Postby idonna on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 12:42 pm

Speaking only for myself I found the spanish article you refer to very odd and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Only because I couldn't imagine you saying it in quite that way and felt there must have been some miscommunication at some level. We'd all do well to remember that often we only get bits and pieces of your words which is a very dangerous thing as evidenced here. Believe me when I say after reading it, I took it with a "huge grain of salt". Still I appreciate very much your concern and taking the time to clarify your meaning. I'm looking forward with great anticipation to the release of Pagliacci, one of my favorite operas and wish you every success in future endeavors!!!!!!!!! i.d.
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Postby Lin on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 1:56 pm

Caro Andrea,

You are very kind to explain the situation with the Spanish newspaper but you should know that we already realized this had to be a misrepresentation of some kind as I was completely out of character for you. Those who do not follow you as closely as we do, however, might not realize this and so it is very unfortunate when it happens. The media can, and often is, very unkind and seem to revel in grasping a word or phrase and twist it to purposefully cast a negative or false impression. The more prestigious or famous the personality, the more rigorous the attempt to discredit. It is a concern, of course, but please do not be overly preoccupied by it. It would take much more than this obviously misplaced article to turn our heads and hearts away from you. You had us with your first song which captured us heart and soul forever.

Rest well now in final preparation for the very special concert in Firenze on the occasion of first anniversary of the death of our beloved Pope Giovanni Paulo II. What an overwhelmingly beautiful and blessed experience it will be for those fortunate enough to attend. Even more for those, as you, who will be performing. If there is a way to overcome the technicalities to bring this most precious concert to us on the site, we would be ever so grateful. I hope and pray this will be a possibility. In the meantime…

Tanti, tanti Auguri, Andrea, e in bocca al lupo. From across the ocean, my heart will be with you, as always.

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Postby Lin on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 1:57 pm

Oops, scusa! :oops: My clicker finger is a little out of control this morning. Sorry for the duplication.
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Postby Francesca on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 3:30 pm

Caro Andrea,
Sto per partire a Firenze e per fortuna ho avuto la possibilità di leggere questo tuo messaggio prima della partenza.
Non ho mai dubitato di te in che cosa che sia e non sono le parole di una giornalistà che mi faranno cambiare l'opinione.
Sapere che tu dai un po' del tuo prezioso tempo per leggere questo forum, tuo forum, mi fa un gran piacere e se puoi trovarci uno svago, è bello. No so se esiste un artistà cosi vicino ai suoi fan.
Non vedo l'ora di vederti a Firenze questa domenica, sono sicura di sentire belle musiche, da molto tempo ascolto "la messa di Gloria" ,non avrei mai pensato di poter, un giorno, sentirla cantata da te .
Grazie Andrea per tutto quello che fai per noi. Ti aspettiamo anche a Parigi con grande gioia.
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Postby justlaura on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 4:25 pm

When someone works as hard as you do to be clear, well-spoken and eloquent (which you are!), it must be enormously frustrating to be misunderstood via interpreters. It was generous of you to come here and tell us what you had actually said in that interview; the analogy of money as a drug that can be used for good but that can be poisonous in excess -- is a great one.

I wish you good fortune, big enjoyment and deep satisfaction from your upcoming performance!

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Postby Francesca on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 5:18 pm

Traduction française :

Chers amis,

Je veux avant tout vous remercier pour l’attention et le temps que vous consacrez à mon site, à travers lequel je peux me faire une idée assez précise de vos opinions, au sujet de mon travail, qui, comme vous le savez, est essentiellement tourné vers vous.
Comme vous l’avez certainement remarqué, je n’interviens pas souvent, mais je peux vous assurer, que presque chaque jour je viens fureter dans ce fantastique monde virtuel, dans lequel nous réussissons tous à nous sentir virtuellement proches, en dialoguant de part et d’autre du monde.
Moi j’aime me tenir dans les coulisses et vivre vos sensations, vos doutes et vos questions. Aujourd’hui, par exemple, j’ai découvert qu’un article apparu dans un journal espagnol a suscité des discussions passionnées….que dire….comme il serait facile de faire le métier de chanteur s’il n’y avait le problème des très nombreuses interviews dans de très nombreuses langues différentes, dans un court laps de temps, avec des sujets, qui sont toujours les mêmes ?
Malheureusement, parfois on n’arrive pas à se faire comprendre clairement : parler à un journaliste étranger par l’intermédiaire d’un interprète, qui doit traduire d’abord la question et ensuite la réponse, n’est pas facile et même assez imprudent : on risque d’être (….) d’une façon plus ou moins grave. Cette fois, je crois vraiment que la journaliste et moi ne nous sommes pas compris : je n’ai jamais dit que j’étais contaminé par l’argent ( j’ai plutôt pris mes distances avec lui) ni jamais dit que j’étais trop riche. Le concept était bien différent : j’ai toujours considéré l’argent comme un moyen, qui au-delà de certaines limites peut devenir assez dangereux, de même qu’un médicament, qui avec les bonnes doses peut combattre efficacement un mal-être (dans le cas de l’argent : l’indigence), tandis qu’à doses supérieures il provoque un empoisonnement.

J’ai dit ensuite à cette dame, que dans cette société de bien-être il y a beaucoup d’individus qui ont plus qu’il peut leur servir et je pense appartenir à cette catégorie de personnes, dès l’instant qu’un bon livre, un piano et quelques amis, sont tout ce que je peux imaginer de mieux pour mes journées de liberté, qui, ceci dit, sont vraiment rares. Voilà tout ce qu’il y avait à dire sur ce sujet, tout au contraire assez réduit, si réduit, que le fait qu’il ait trouvé place dans les colonnes d’un journal est vraiment bizarre, « mais le monde le veut ainsi » disait une ancienne comédie, alors prenons-le comme il est.

Ce qui compte plus pour moi est qu’il est temps de faire de la musique et de la faire sérieusement : la première de la « Messa di gloria » de Giacomo Puccini et du « Canto di pace » de Marco Tutino est très proche. Pour ce dernier, une partition de musique de nos jours, et c’est la première œuvre contemporaine dans laquelle je me hasarde ; écrite sur le texte du Pape Jean-Paul II, c’est une musique vraiment suggestive et, après la première écoute, on y succombe avec grand plaisir. J’espère être en bonne forme pour pouvoir donner le meilleur de moi-même, j’ai de toutes façons la conscience en ordre : je me suis préparé avec soin et somme toute je me sens assez tranquille. J’aimerais beaucoup réussir à passer sur le site l’enregistrement de ce concert, mais les problèmes sont nombreux et complexes. Je ferai au mieux pour que ceci arrive, pour le bien de la musique et de tous ceux qui l’aiment et qui s’en nourrissent pour vivre, comme cela a toujours été pour moi.
Dans quelques heures commenceront les répétitions et je dois m’imposer un peu de repos.
Je vous salue avec affection,
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Postby Baroque1685 on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 5:25 pm

justlaura wrote:Andrea,
When someone works as hard as you do to be clear, well-spoken and eloquent (which you are!), it must be enormously frustrating to be misunderstood via interpreters. It was generous of you to come here and tell us what you had actually said in that interview; the analogy of money as a drug that can be used for good but that can be poisonous in excess -- is a great one.


That was stated nicely Laura. I have been working on my Italian (brothers think I'm crazy), but still had to use the Google translator and only barely caught what Andrea was saying, so I am eager for a real translation. Andrea, you are so right, and I am also glad that you made this clear for us, as I was likely on the gullable side :oops:, being still new. We appreciate your attention to this, and so much else.

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For Andrea

Postby Rebecca on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 6:12 pm

The media is like a lady that says to her friends, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone come sit by me."
Personally, I think the media should concentrate on your music instead of rooting around in your personal life, Mr. Bocelli...but that is not possible, I understand.
I support your lifestyle, sir, as many of us do, by purchasing your works of musical art.
Your gift to us is your voice. Our gift to you is to buy your albums. It's a 50-50 relationship, and dare I say, one that is not going to be unfurled anytime soon.
When I am working hard at my job with the station during the week and training to drywall homes on the weekends...your music gets me through some of life's mundane rituals and makes the day seem just a little bit brighter. Your voice is universal in a time when love is desperately needed. As everyone knows, American men and women are dying every day for a war that is, at the very least, controversial. Your music burns down bridges of hate and resonates peace and love.
Keep working hard even when it gets tough out there, Mr. Bocelli. The tough is what makes it so good.
The best way to get back at the media is to go to an interview and after every question reply with, "No comment."
Thanks for your time.
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Message from Andrea

Postby ladyhrvy on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 6:16 pm

Maestro,You are very kind to take the time to correct the translated words used in that interview but never fear that those of us who have been your loyal fans for many years will ever take offense at things that others may misinterpret. We are accustomed to how you speak and write and best of all your warm heart. We knew what you were saying even tho it got poorly translated. Given time the whole world is going to know you that well and realize why it is that we love you so much.

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Postby justlaura on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 6:32 pm

A rough English translation --


31 March: Now that an official translation was made today, and added under Andrea's text, I've removed my rough version. But I appreciate all the kind comments from you while we waited for a "pro" to do the job!

~ Laura
Last edited by justlaura on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lin on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 6:50 pm

Thanks Lura! It looks good to me.
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Postby kbarham on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 8:11 pm

Thank you Laura for the translation. We really appreciate your help.
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Postby Maggis on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 8:19 pm

Thank You Andrea for taking your time to explain away a misunderstanding. No one could ever doubt how hard you work and with hard work comes reward. Like you said used correctly it doesnt have to be morally wrong to have it. Enjoy it, like you say it can never take the place of friendship, many seek happiness with money to find it leads to death. You were already happy. Take Care and thank you for your music it is a blessing.
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Postby kbarham on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 8:22 pm

Andrea thank you for posting your explanation of the interview as it shows just how much you care for your fans and we in turn really care for you. I wish you all the best in your forthcoming concert. I know that you will be successful in it as you have such a beautiful voice and work so hard.
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Postby Lelly on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 9:20 pm

Dear Andrea - thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to talk to us on the website. I feel sure that I speak for all of us here when I say that we never doubted your integrity or your honesty and I think we are all old enough (even the young ones!) to realise that, even when talking in the same language, the press will misinterpret meanings if it makes for a good story.

It gives us a nice warm glow to know that you "wander in our virtual world". It really does feel like a family some times. I wish you every good luck in your next venture and hope you get some time to have a rest and enjoy being with your family after your many appearancess on tv and radio. Believe me when I say that you have filled a few video tapes already over the last few months!

Laura: thanks for the translation. I envy you your skill and I must get down to learning Italian!
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Postby GUYBONN on Thu 30 Mar, 2006 10:32 pm

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Postby margec on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 8:37 am

Thank you, Andrea, for writing to us. It means so much.....more than you will ever know.


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Postby Judy on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 9:10 am

Caro Andrea,
Grazie per il tuo messaggio. È sempre molto emozionante leggere le tue parole e sentirti virtualmente vicino a noi. Grazie anche per le spiegazioni – ma non erano necessari, perché non abbiamo creduto che avresti detto quelle cose.
Devi scusare il mio italiano. Volevo scriverti in italiano, ma non è facile, quindi spero che mi capisca!
Ti auguro buona fortuna per il concerto a Firenze, e non vedo l’ora di vederti a Londra in ottobre.
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Postby csoda on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 9:47 am

Thank you Andrea, such a pleasure to listen to your message, and to know how consciously you radiate love to the people. Beautiful!
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Re: Cari amici,

Postby Annalisa on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 3:18 pm

Andrea Bocelli wrote:Mi piacerebbe tanto riuscire a passare sul sito la registrazione di questo concerto, ma le problematiche sono tante e complesse. Farò del mio meglio, perché questo accada, per il bene della musica e di tutti coloro che la amano e che di essa si nutrono per vivere, come è sempre accaduto a me.

I would love to be able to put the recording of this concert onto the web site but the associated problems are many and complex. I will do my best to make this happen for the sake of music and for all those who love it and who derive nourishment from it to live, as I have always done.

Dear Andrea,
It would be wonderful if you were able to put the recording of the concert on the web site. Even if it isn't possible because of the many problems associated with such an effort, it's very nice to know that you wanted to share it with us. Thank you for thinking of those of us who won't be there to hear it in person.
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Postby margec on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 3:52 pm

margec wrote:Thank you, Andrea, for writing to us. It means so much.....more than you will ever know.


Marge C

It was midnight when I saw the letter and hadn't read it when I posted this reply. First I want to thank Just Laura for the translation into English.

Secondly, Andrea, this had not made our newspapers, but I did see it going around the internet. Be assured, we didn't think what the interviewer was saying was true. I have a friend in Uruguay, and she has not seen a Spanish translation of it where she lives, so hopefully it isn't as far reaching as you think.

The media write what it thinks will be articles to sell their newspapers....they care about little else

Thank you again, for coming to us. I will do whatever I can to correct the misconception. I got up early this morning to read your letter and do what I can.

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