Cari amici,


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Postby margec on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 7:30 pm

margec wrote:
margec wrote:Thank you, Andrea, for writing to us. It means so much.....more than you will ever know.


Marge C

It was midnight when I saw the letter and hadn't read it when I posted this reply. First I want to thank Just Laura for the translation into English.

Secondly, Andrea, this had not made our newspapers, but I did see it going around the internet. Be assured, we didn't think what the interviewer was saying was true. I have a friend in Uruguay, and she has not seen a Spanish translation of your letter. If anyone on this site can do a Spanish translation of Andrea's letter for her, I would appreciate it.

The media write what it thinks will be articles to sell their newspapers....they care about little else

Thank you again, for coming to us. I will do whatever I can to correct the misconception. I got up early this morning to read your letter and do what I can.

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Postby Fipi on Fri 31 Mar, 2006 11:20 pm

Dear Andrea,
Thank you so much for taking the trouble ,and giving up some of your precious time talk to us.I think most of us that come here know how misinterpretation and some of today's journalists can distort the truth, and take things like that with a huge pinch of salt.

It is so nice to know that you are often here with us.

Thank you for all the pleasure we get from all your hard work and for this wonderful site where we can find friends and so much else to entertain us.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the recording may become reality.

"Music is for me a need, like that of love,and it is also and above all my destiny, inescapable like death."
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Andrea, notre confiance et admiration...

Postby MarieJoseeMichele on Sat 01 Apr, 2006 2:28 am tiennent pas qu'a un fil...they are very strong! Merci pour prendre le temps tellement precieux que tu as pour clarifier les erreurs des autres! The message that you bring with you everywhere is very powerful, it is a wonderful and humble message of love, hope, courage...and you deliver it in the most beautiful way...tu as un veritable don de Dieu! Rare sont ceux qui peuvent toucher l'ame des gens aussi profondement! Combien de personnes que je connais qui apprennent l'italien pour te comprendre! C'est pas fantastique ca?? Thanks for the wonderful message " a tutte le donne"( sono in ritardo...mi scusi), it is incredible that, you, one of the most important man in the world( to me THE most important one) takes the time to write to us women and give us your vote of confidence et la force de continuer a foncer, de continuer aimer et a faire de notre mieux! Tu nous as donne du courage, merci!
I've been listening to "AMORE" for the past two month now and every time I listen to it I love it more and more...proprio una meraviglia!
Ora ti auguro buona fortuna per la "messa di gloria" e il "canto di pace". So che, come al solito, sarai un grande successo! Spero solo che potrei esserci! Grazie, Grazie mille di essere tanto devoto to all your fans!
Sei UNICO AL MONDO!! UNICO!!! con amore , michele
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Postby Dubai Lovely on Sat 01 Apr, 2006 12:46 pm

[quote="Francesca"]Caro Andrea,
...Non ho mai dubitato di te in che cosa che sia e non sono le parole di una giornalistà che mi faranno cambiare l'opinione.

Hai ragione Francesca...

Andrea Andrea ...temevi forse che qualcuno di noi avrebbe dubitato della bonta' delle tue affermazioni???Chi ti conosce, ti apprezza, ti ama come noi...avrebbe subito capito che si trattava di un errore... o di un'incomprensione.
Comunque il fatto che tu abbia sentito la necessita' di venire a chiarirti con noi non puo' che fare accrescere la nostra stima nei tuoi confronti: e la giustezza nelle tue affermazioni, nelle tue riflessioni, sul male che puo' fare il troppo denaro, e l'avere incluso anche te tra le persone che forse hanno piu' denaro di quanto gliene occorra per vivere, ebbene...tutto cio' ancora una volta ci conferma che , prima ancora di essere un grande artista, sei un grande uomo!!!
Per questo questa nostra famiglia cresce ogni giorno di piu'!
E tu ti sei comportato come si fa in una vera famiglia, che quando c'e' un problema si cerca tutti insieme di trovare la giusta soluzione, un chiarimento: sei venuto a parlarci per evitare che potessero esserci malintesi, distorsioni nel tuo pensiero! Grazie!
Ora pensa solo al successo che ti attende a Firenze ....
Come ho detto in altro topic..sono un po' invidiosa di Francesca che potra' essere li a gioire della tua presenza, della tua voce, della tua musica, ma...vabbe' lo merita proprio...e' riuscita a trovare anche il tempo per fare la traduzione del tuo messaggio!!! :wink: :wink:

:oops: Se puoi, quando comincerai a cantare , pensa un attimo a me: sara' come dedicarmi un posto in prima fila !!!Grazie...
Tutto il bene ed il successo che meriti.
Con tanto affetto
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Postby sam on Sat 01 Apr, 2006 2:31 pm

Valeria ha scritto: Se puoi, quando comincerai a cantare , pensa un attimo a me: sara' come dedicarmi un posto in prima fila

Hey Valeria! solo a te? :evil: :evil: :lol:
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Postby Maggis on Sat 01 Apr, 2006 7:21 pm

I have been thinking about this article and the impact its interpretation had. It seemed to strike a cord with you Andrea but I am sure many things are written which are out of context and you dont feel the need to respond to those. One thing that did jump out at me though is that pursuit of fame brings the trappings of money. You are a person who works above and beyond the call of duty. You have already had to make sacrifices in your personal life as a result and im sure it cost you dearly. Some may see this as a result of the persuit of fame therefore money only you can know that ,but maybe its also good to look at those around us and what they are prepared to allow us to sacrifice in persuit of their own wealth and fame. You cant enjoy books, friends, family etc if they are not there to enjoy as a result of this persuit. The misinterpretation of your words may be an ideal chance to reflect. We always learn something in the face of adversity.
One gets closer to truth when expecting nothing other than to be closer to it tomorrow than today and to profoundly yearn for this.
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Cari amici

Postby Rosie D on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 4:34 am

Andrea darlin'.......It is so like you to care so much about what we, your fans, were thinking and feeling when we read the Spanish newspaper interview. Thank you for your message to us.
BUT, knowing the press as we do.....AND knowing you as we do, not for a moment did we believe that these were actually your remarks and not your words altered by a faulty translation.

We know you sing because you MUST...and we know that you have tried to distance yourself from the financial aspect of your career, concentraing all your efforts on your passion for singing.
Speaking for myself and I think for all your true fans....I have no problem with how much money you earn. For what you give to us, from your heart, the gift of your beautiful voice and the honesty with which you present yourself as a good and spiritual human being....if this could be measured in would never be enough. Someone like you comes along only once in a lifetime and I feel very fortunate to be among the many who recognize this......even though sometimes my children, family and friends refer to me as "Andrea's oldest living groupie!" So be it....if not now, WHEN?

If you do happen to read what we write here....I tell you now what my sweet Italian mama used to say when she wanted to give someone the ultimate compliment...."When your mama and papa made you, they threw away the pattern!"

Rosie D
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Postby Dubai Lovely on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 6:28 am

sam wrote:Valeria ha scritto: Se puoi, quando comincerai a cantare , pensa un attimo a me: sara' come dedicarmi un posto in prima fila

Hey Valeria! solo a te? :evil: :evil: :lol:

[B] :evil: :evil: SSSAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!! :evil: :evil:
devi smetterla di metterti sempre in mezzo....l'idea e' stata mia e quindi a ME!!!!
:lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: Chiaro??????? :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Postby sam on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 6:39 am

Si, Valeria, molto chiaro!!!!!!!!! :lol:
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Postby Dubai Lovely on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 7:33 am

:lol: oh... :thumright: meno male.... :o :o vedo che sei molto brava...proprio una bambina ubbidiente e disciplinata.... :o :o
per premio :lol: :lol: allora... :roll: :roll: ti faro' stare vicino :scratch: ...A ME!!!! :D :D
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Postby sam on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 8:34 am

Ah, grazie!!!! ma, perche' non vicino ad Andrea?? :tongue: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Elena19440 on Sun 02 Apr, 2006 11:25 am

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for your messaage and your time.
The class that you have just pours out of you. You are truley an amazing man who does not have to explain anything to anyone, but yet you took the time to clear up any miscomunications that were printed.

I am sure you will be superb in your upcoming performance. In my opinion, you can do no wrong or perform poorly.

Again, thank you for the message, I will be using it to help me with my Italian.............It very well might take me several hours to translate it, but it will be more enjoyable to do, as YOU wrote it.

Elena :wink:
Daydreaming thru the night.............ahhhhhhhhhhh........Andrea
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Postby Motoko on Mon 03 Apr, 2006 8:00 am

Non preoccuparti, Andrea! Asking an artist about money and only focusing on the topic is very rude. The article should have been written about music. I consider that it's just gossip.

Now I'm waiting for good reports from you and your fans who attended the concerts in Firenze. :)

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Postby anele on Mon 03 Apr, 2006 9:31 pm

caro Andrea,
la tua lettera mi ha fatto piacere, ma per noi è inutile perchè ti conosciamo bene.
Ho letto l'articolo sul sito e mi sono chiesta chi era l'intervistato ed era evidente che c'era stato un malinteso.


Postby Em on Tue 04 Apr, 2006 6:07 am

Andrea dear...

I could never doubt your sincere honesty and just like your singing, is pure gold, touching the heart with unmistakable purity. I remember the magical night I met you and how the words I really wanted to say to you, just were so content within my heart, they didn’t want to leave, however, sometimes its better that way. Pondering it later, I'm sure you can read the heart, because the deepest feelings don't have words, so we write poerty...and words seem to love that. I believe unless you communicate with a understanding, it can be misunderstood. It must be very meaningless having to answer questions that are so unrelated to your passion for singing, but as you said,”That is the way of the world”, makes a lot of sense, on that note, thank you for the way of you, And for your magnificant voice, that captures my heart and makes butterflies...

Love always
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Postby Renate on Sat 08 Apr, 2006 1:01 pm

besser spät als nie:

die deutsche Übersetzung

Liebe Freunde,

Ich will Euch vor allem für die Aufmerksamkeit und die Zeit danken, die ihr meiner Seite widmet, wodurch ich mir eine ziemlich genaue Vorstellung von Euren Meinungen machen kann, betreffend meiner Arbeit, die wie ihr wisst im Wesentlichen für Euch gemacht ist..

Wie ihr sicherlich bemerkt haben werdet, mische ich mich nicht oft ein, aber ich kann euch versichern, dass ich fast jeden Tag neugierig in diese phantastische virtuelle Welt komme, in der man sich durchaus virtuell nahe fühlen kann, indem wir von den gegenteiligsten Enden der Erde miteinander kommunizieren.

Ich bleibe lieber hinter den Kulissen und erlebe Eure Empfindungen, Eure Zweifel und Eure Fragen von dort mit.

Heute habe ich zum Beispiel entdeckt, dass in einer spanischen Zeitung ein Artikel erschienen ist, der leidenschaftliche Diskussionen ausgelöst hat... was soll man sagen.... wie einfach wäre es, Sänger zu sein, wenn es nicht das Problem der zahllosen Interviews in zahllosen verschiedenen Sprachen gäbe, innerhalb kurzer Zeit, mit Diskussionen, die immer wieder dieselben sind.

Leider klappt es manchmal nicht, sich einander klar verständlich zu machen, mit einem ausländischen Journalisten über einen Übersetzer zu sprechen, der zunächst die Frage und dann die Antwort übersetzen muss, ist nicht einfach, eher äußerst unvorsichtig: man riskiert auf mehr oder minder schwere Art missverstanden zu werden. Diesmal glaube ich, dass genau dies passiert ist, dass der Journalist und ich einander nicht verstanden haben: Ich habe weder gesagt, dass ich dem Geld verfallen bin (ich habe mich vielmehr davon distanziert), noch habe ich jemals gesagt, dass ich zu reich bin. Das Gedanke war völlig anders. Ich habe Geld immer für etwas gehalten, dass ab einer gewissen Menge ziemlich gefährlich werden kann, wie ein Medikament, dass in der richtigen Dosis eine Krankheit effektiv bekämpfen kann (mit Geld: das Elend),während es in zu großer Dosis ein Vergiftung auslöst. Ich habe dann der Dame gesagt, dass es in der Wohlstandsgesellschaft viele gibt, die mehr haben, als sie brauchen und ich schätze, dass ich in diese Kategorie von Leuten zu fallen scheine, wo doch ein gutes Buch, ein Klavier und ein Freund das Beste sind, was ich mir für einen freien Tag wünschen kann, die nebenbei gesagt, wirklich selten sind. Das ist alles, was es zu diesem Thema zu sagen gab. Alles im Übrigen ziemlich vorausschaubar, sehr vorausschaubar, so dass es wirklich sonderbar ist, dass dies Raum in den Kolumnen einer Zeitung gefunden hat, aber „die Welt will es so!“, wie es in einer alten Komödie heißt, also muss man es so hinnehmen.
Das was wichtiger ist, ist dass es an der Zeit ist, Musik zu machen, ernsthaft Musik zu machen. Sehr bald ist die Premiere der "Messa di gloria" von Giacom Puccini und des "Canto di pace" von Marco Tutino. Letzteres eine Partitur von Musik unserer Zeit und es ist das erste zeitgenössische Werk an dem ich mich versuche, geschrieben zu einem Text von Papst Johannes Paul II, mit wirklich suggestiver Musik und nach dem ersten Hören versenkt man sich mit Vergnügen in sie. Ich hoffe, dass ich in guter Form sein werde, um mein Bestes zu geben, ich habe jedoch das Bewusstsein, dass ich mich sorgfältig vorbereitet habe und fühle mich im Großen und Ganzen ziemlich ruhig. Es würde mir sehr gefallen, wenn ich die Aufnahme dieses Konzertes auf die Website bringen könnte, aber es gibt viele und schwierige Hürden. Ich werde mein Bestes tun, denn dies wird zum Vorteil der Musik sein, und für alle, die sie lieben und die durch isie Lebenskraft schöpfen, wie es mir immer ergangen ist.

In wenigen Stunden fangen die Proben an und ich muss mir ein wenig Ruhe auferlegen.

Ich grüße Euch mit Zuneigung,

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Postby Boheme11 on Sun 09 Apr, 2006 10:25 am

Liebe Renate !
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die Übersetzung.
Ich wünsche Dir und allen Fans von Andrea ein frohes und sonniges
Osterfest !
Deine Karin
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Postby maruscatoscana on Sun 09 Apr, 2006 10:49 pm

I wouls say about the media article:

"The people who mind, don't matter,
The people that matter don't mind"
The way to be happy is to make others happy, and we'll have a little heaven right here!!
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Re: Cari amici,

Postby Fulmina on Mon 08 May, 2006 4:23 pm

Dear Andrea!
My friend Candle Wind (it's his nickname) would like say you some nice words...
Egregio signor Andrea Bocelli. Lei é angelo verro che mi aiuta. Lei aiuta mi avere speranza. Mi dispiace che non posso scivere solo ma non capisco sou forum é per me semplicemente.
Grazie di sua vita. Candle.
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Re: Cari amici,

Postby Giuly on Sat 27 May, 2006 4:09 pm

Andrea Bocelli wrote:Cari amici,
voglio ringraziarvi innanzitutto per l'attenzione e il tempo che dedicate al mio sito, attraverso il quale posso farmi un'idea abbastanza precisa delle vostre opinioni, circa il mio lavoro, che, come sapete, a voi è essenzialmente rivolto.
Come avrete certo notato, non intervengo spesso, ma posso assicurarvi, che quasi ogni giorno vengo a curiosare in questo fantastico mondo virtuale, nel quale tutti quanti riusciamo a sentirci virtualmente vicini, dialogando dagli opposti capi del mondo.
Io amo starmene dietro le quinte e vivere le vostre sensazioni, i vostri dubbi e le vostre domande.
Oggi ad esempio ho scoperto, che un articolo apparso su un giornale spagnolo ha suscitato appassionate discussioni... che dire... come sarebbe facile fare il mestiere del cantante se non ci fosse il problema delle numerosissime interviste in numerosissime diverse lingue, in un breve tempo, con argomenti, che sono sempre i soliti?
Purtroppo a volte non si riesce a farsi capire chiaramente: parlare ad un giornalista straniero con il tramite dell'interprete, che deve tradurre prima la domanda, poi la risosta, non è facile ed è altresì abbastanza imprudente: si rischia di essere fraintesi in modo più o meno grave. Questa volta, credo proprio che la giornalista ed io non ci siamo capiti: non ho mai detto di essere contaminato dal danaro (ne ho piuttosto prese le distanze), nè ho mai detto di essere troppo ricco. Il concetto era ben diverso: ho sempre ritenuto il danaro un mezzo, che oltre certi limiti può divenire assai pericoloso, così come un farmaco, che nelle giuste dosi può combattere efficacemente un malessere (nel caso del danaro: l'indigenza),mentre in dosi superiori provoca un avvelenamento. Ho detto poi alla signora, che nella società del benessere ci sono molti individui che hanno più di quanto possa loro servire ed io reputo di appartenere a questa categoria di persone, dal momento che, un buon libro, un pianoforte e qualche amico, sono quanto di meglio possa immaginare per le mie giornate di libertà, che, detto per inciso, sono davvero poche. Ecco tutto quello che sull'argomento c'era da dire, tutto per altro abbastanza scontato, tanto scontato, che è davvero bizzarro, il fatto che abbia trovato spazio sulle colonne di un giornale, " ma il mondo vuol così " recitava una vecchia commedia quindi, va preso com'è. Quel che più conta è che ci sia il tempo di fare musica e di farla sul serio: è molto prossima la prima della - "Messa di gloria" di Giacom Puccini e del "Canto di pace" di Marco Tutino. Uno spartito quest'ultimo, di musica dei nostri giorni ed è la prima opera contemporanea in cui mi cimento; scritta su testo di Papa giovanni Paolo II, è musica veramente suggestiva e, dopo il primo ascolto, ci si cade dentro con grande piacere. Spero di essere in buona forma per poter dare il meglio di me, ho comunque la coscienza a posto: mi sono preparato con cura e tutto sommato mi sento abbastanza tranquillo. Mi piacerebbe tanto riuscire a passare sul sito la registrazione di questo concerto, ma le problematiche sono tante e complesse. Farò del mio meglio, perché questo accada, per il bene della musica e di tutti coloro che la amano e che di essa si nutrono per vivere, come è sempre accaduto a me.
Fra poche ore inizieranno le prove ed io devo impormi un po' di riposo.
Vi saluto con affetto,

Dear Friends,
First of all I wanted to thank you for your interest and the time you dedicate to my web site, from which I can get a fairly clear idea of your opinions about my work which, as you know, is essentially for you.
As you will certainly have noticed, I don’t intervene very often, but I can assure you that almost every day I come and browse around in this fantastic virtual world in which we can all feel virtually close, talking to each other from opposite ends of the earth.
I love to be behind the scenes experiencing your sensations, your doubts and your questions.
For example, today I discovered that an article published in a Spanish newspaper had caused heated discussions…What can I say?…How easy it would be to be a singer if there was not the problem of the many interviews in so many different languages, done in such a short time and on subjects which are always the same?
Unfortunately sometimes it is not easy to make oneself understood clearly: talking to a foreign journalist through an interpreter, who first has to translate the question and then the reply, is not easy and it is also fairly risky: there is always the danger of being misunderstood in ways which can be more or less serious. This time I really think that the journalist and I did not understand each other: I never said that I had been contaminated by money (I have rather distanced myself from it); nor have I ever said that I was too rich. The concept was quite a different one: I have always considered money to be a means, which beyond certain limits can become rather dangerous, just as a medicine, which administered in the correct dosage can efficiently combat an ailment (in the case of money this would be poverty), in greater doses can act as a poison. I then told the journalist that in a wealthy society there are many people who have more than they need and that I considered myself to be included in this number, given that a good book, a piano and a few friends are the best things I could wish for to satisfy me on my free days, which, by the way, are really very few. This was all there was to be said on the matter, all of which was rather predictable, so predictable in fact that it is really bizarre that it should have found its way onto the pages of a newspaper. “But that’s the way of the world” as the famous playwright said and so it must be accepted the way it is. What is more important is that there should be time to make music and to make it seriously: the opening nights of Giacomo Puccini’s “Messa di Gloria” and Marco Tutino’s “Canto di Pace” are coming up soon. The latter is a contemporary music score and it is the first modern day opera I have attempted. Composed to lyrics by Pope John Paul II, it is really evocative music and, after hearing it for the first time, one falls into it with great pleasure. I hope I will be in good shape to be able to perform it to my best , in any event my conscience is clear: I have prepared for it carefully and all in all I feel fairly confident. I would love to be able to put the recording of this concert onto the web site but the associated problems are many and complex. I will do my best to make this happen for the sake of music and for all those who love it and who derive nourishment from it to live, as I have always done.
Rehearsals will begin in a few hours from now and I must get some rest.
Affectionately yours,

Buon Giorno Signor Andrea,
sonno qui Giuly e vorrei dire di Lei due ringhe. Anelo a guesta cosa già luongo tempo, quasi 8 anni. Io scuso con Lei di errori. Mio italiano è molto terribile.
Lei è angelo verro, che torna speranza, torna ragione vivere, torna forza andare più lontano, torna la forza continuare. Sento Lei come amico, angelo, che tutela e aiuta. Forse capisca Lei che cosa tento dire. Non posso buono descridere per mezzo mio italiano terribile.
Anelo con Lei fare una bella chiacchierata. Prego scusa, io sento Lei come mio insegnante in cose profonde. Sento che Lei da messaggio. Aspiro a andare a questo messaggio. Lo acconda sentire cose profonde che vede solo il cuore. Suo atteggiamento mi aituta vivere.
Mio sogno è essere per Lei uomo utile. Lei è per me molto molto..... grazie di la Sua vita, parole, vole, messaggio, atteggiamento, di tutto. Mia mail, ICQ: 191636569.

Rendo Lei, angelo che vada in cielo.

Suo uomo devoto

Stia molto bene.
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Postby Giuly on Sat 27 May, 2006 4:11 pm

Buon Giorno Signor Andrea,
sonno qui Giuly e vorrei dire di Lei due ringhe. Anelo a guesta cosa già luongo tempo, quasi 8 anni. Io scuso con Lei di errori. Mio italiano è molto terribile.
Lei è angelo verro, che torna speranza, torna ragione vivere, torna forza andare più lontano, torna la forza continuare. Sento Lei come amico, angelo, che tutela e aiuta. Forse capisca Lei che cosa tento dire. Non posso buono descridere per mezzo mio italiano terribile.
Anelo con Lei fare una bella chiacchierata. Prego scusa, io sento Lei come mio insegnante in cose profonde. Sento che Lei da messaggio. Aspiro a andare a questo messaggio. Lo acconda sentire cose profonde che vede solo il cuore. Suo atteggiamento mi aituta vivere.
Mio sogno è essere per Lei uomo utile. Lei è per me molto molto..... grazie di la Sua vita, parole, vole, messaggio, atteggiamento, di tutto. Mia mail, ICQ: 191636569.

Rendo Lei, angelo che vada in cielo.

Suo uomo devoto

Stia molto bene.
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Postby MicheleMari on Sun 04 Jun, 2006 5:20 am

Dear Senor Bocelli:
I commend your strength and bravery in so many aspects of your life. It is unfortunate when anyone is misrepresented. I am certain, however, that those that know you, know the real you, as you have made your life so humbly available to us. It is obvious to me that this misrepresentaion was not only committed due to miscommunication, buy by someone who did not know Andrea Bocelli...I am so sorry that this problem arose for you, but I hope you will not let it continue to trouble you. There is so much love and admiration for you that this one negative incident should just be cancelled out...Your fan base grows everyday. I am certain that others, like myself, are constantly introducing their freinds to Andrea Bocelli and then they too become addicited to the passion and beauty of your voice. I am so looking forward to hearing you in Atlantic City and again in New York in September.
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Postby crocodileshoes on Tue 06 Jun, 2006 7:17 pm

Caro Andrea, Thankyou for your beautiful message to us and for taking time to write to us. Your music has helped me be a happier person.Listening to your voice, i am truly blessed and in heaven.
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Postby patriciabutler on Sun 11 Jun, 2006 10:48 am

Dear Dear Andrea, I am so sorry that you should be upset by this misrepresentation. The 'media' is past master at this and all too often will try to create situations where there aren't any. THEY LISTEN, BUT OFTEN DON'T HEAR AND IF THEY HEAR BUT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. Please know they you have catpured many hearts and that you have made many friends with your kind warm personality and ready smile. and your obvious enjoyment in your music. I trained as an ophthalmic nurse more yeasr ago than I would care to remember and know the problems you have had to overcome in your life and admire you for your single mindedness and dedication. To persue such a career takes great personal sacrifice and there must have been times when even you wondered whether to go on. But I wish you happy in your life and thankyou from the bottom of my heart for sharing this great talent with us.
( one day I will post my replies in Italian, and this will be my token of respect for you) Love and friendshp to you and yours TriciaX
Posts: 337
Joined: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 8:41 pm

Postby A819 on Tue 04 Jul, 2006 11:50 am

Grazie Andrea come sempre, per le parole piene di saggiezza, poi quello che si dice sulle riviste e giornali e sempre un insieme di tutto, un po' di pubblicità un po' di verita e un po`di bugie, la ringraziamo per la sincerità.
Vorrei fare arrivare i miei complimenti per questa nuova proposta musicale che sembra in verità una bellissima opera d'arte e cantata da Lei sicuramente diventerà un momento sublime.

Bacioni Anna :lol:
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon 24 Nov, 2003 2:29 pm


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