anyone ever actually talked to andrea?


Moderators: Renate, Management

Postby Holly13 on Thu 20 Sep, 2007 12:47 am

hey has anyone ever actually talked to andrea? thats all i want to know....cause we're all writing him stuff and pouring our hearts out, but does he actually read it, or does someone, anyone, read these? its nice wr're saying all these things about him, i love him, im not against him, but i want to know if its all worth it.... it took at least 4 months for someone else to write something on this page... i don't want to write a letter to someone who'll never read it! do you guys? some one email me back or something, tell me how you feel about this subject! -Holly13
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Postby Amma on Thu 20 Sep, 2007 12:53 am

Holly, writing commenting on a topic ike Andrea's will probably never be read by him because he is a very busy. However, you could send him a private message and he will sure look at it. Andrea really tries to get as close to his fans as possile but work often prevents him from doing so. Whenever he can, he stops by and lets his fan know that he is still thinking about us and that he sometimes stops on the website and reads some of the stuff (not sure if it is private messages or what). He doesn't always have the time to reply to all his private messages either but he makes an effort and that is the important thing.

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Postby Holly13 on Thu 20 Sep, 2007 10:09 pm

well yeah i know hes really busy and stuff....i think it would be really cool to talk to him but i wouldn't want to be dissapointed, even if it was a letter he wrote to everyone that sends him a message, like a computer generated one thats automatic, i wouldn't mind that, at least i would know he cares about his fans... he probably cares more than most artists do about their fans, and i appreciate that.....i really do....

how would you send him a private message if you wanted to anyway? (i don't know how) all i really want to tell him is that hes gotta have more concerts in alberta (or canada for that matter) cause i really want to see him in concert and i never get the chance because all of his concerts are so far away.......he's tremendously busy, im sure, but im sure all of his fans here would like it....
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Postby Holly13 on Thu 20 Sep, 2007 10:11 pm

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Postby Milleluna2 on Mon 24 Sep, 2007 11:11 pm

Dear Holly 13 - I know and understand how you feel. The times I have written to Andrea (like the new Happy Birthday topic) I know I am just throwing it out there in hope that somehow, someway he got to it.

When the forum began back in 2003, Andrea used to write to the forum alot more often. Still not very often, but at least every 9 months or so. I know there have been people in the forum who actually got a reply to their emails (private messages). I posted the same question back then and learned a few people actually got email replies from Andrea.

There was one member who wished Andrea a Happy Saint's Day which I beleive is a Catholic holiday and he replied to her. Another member wrote to Andrea telling him that she was teaching her students the Italian language and was using his music as a means. Andrea wrote back to her . Andrea told us once that Veronica learned how to use the language translator on the PC and has gotten good at it (I believe I am remembering correctly) and Veronica reads the forum posts out loud to him. I wonder if she is still doing this. Maybe some of the newness has worn off.

But that was a long time ago. Like many, I want so much for Andrea to know I am out here, and all I can do is what everyone else does and that is just write to him and hope that maybe the good Lord will bless me unaware, by having Andrea read it. He may not reply, but I only hope that reads it. Its a faith thing. I don't ever believe or think that he won't ever, I just have faith that one or more of my messages to Andrea will get read to him due to my faith in God on the subject not Andrea.

Take care and write to him. Don't give up.

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Postby Milleluna2 on Mon 24 Sep, 2007 11:34 pm

Holly - Here is how you email Andrea privately. 1. Go to the very top line of this page to "you have no new messages" (way at the top) click that on. You should now be in the private messaging section. 2. Click on "new topic" on the left . This opens like an email for Andrea. 3. In "Username" type in Andrea Bocelli, or do a search. If you do a search type in *Andrea* and then click on the check mark below that line and select his name. Then start writing. I think you will be able to figure it out from there. Let me know if you figured it out.

Good luck!
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Postby Janice on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 1:34 am

Actually talking to Andrea is oftentimes a matter of LUCK and timing. I was in a group that found itself staying at the same hotel he was and we happened to be returning from breakfast the same time he and the entourage were leaving for the arena to do a soundcheck. Some people approached him at that time and he very calmly chatted for a few minutes with those who did. LUCK to be at his hotel and timing to be in the lobby the same time he was! :D
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Postby Gloria M on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 4:12 am

Janice wrote:Actually talking to Andrea is oftentimes a matter of LUCK and timing. I was in a group that found itself staying at the same hotel he was and we happened to be returning from breakfast the same time he and the entourage were leaving for the arena to do a soundcheck. Some people approached him at that time and he very calmly chatted for a few minutes with those who did. LUCK to be at his hotel and timing to be in the lobby the same time he was! :D

Yes, indeed! LUCK! TIMING! As one who was sitting in my hotel room waiting for you all, I remember hearing all about it! :cry: However, my luck turned later in the day. :D

--Gloria M
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Postby sunflower on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 7:11 pm

Ahh, i´d like to write private massage to Andrea, but i can´t resolve :(

Do you know what i mean?
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Postby nastya2007 on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 7:52 pm

Can you help me.
You are talking about private messages, what do you mean
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Postby Holly13 on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 9:53 pm

dear Nastya

well just use the information i got, i haven't tried to email him yet, but i should too, try it, and tell me how it went, and if you got a reply.......

dear janice:

thats so cool! you actually got to see him and talk to him and stuff? wow... thats luck for sure, but i prefer to think of it as God doing those amazing things for me and other people, like what happened to you... what hotel were you in, in the USA? or in Italy or something?
wow i probably would faint if im just like, walkng down to breakfast and see my idol standing there... that would be the best thing to tell poeple when you got home, did they believe you when you told them you saw him?
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Postby Holly13 on Tue 25 Sep, 2007 9:55 pm

dear Nastya

well just use the information i got, i haven't tried to email him yet, but i should too, try it, and tell me how it went, and if you got a reply.......what we mean is i'm trying to send him a private message so he might get it, not just say something random and hope he finds it somehow....

dear janice:

thats so cool! you actually got to see him and talk to him and stuff? wow... thats luck for sure, but i prefer to think of it as God doing those amazing things for me and other people, like what happened to you... what hotel were you in, in the USA? or in Italy or something?
wow i probably would faint if im just like, walkng down to breakfast and see my idol standing there... that would be the best thing to tell people when you got home, did they believe you when you told them you saw him?
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Postby Janice on Wed 26 Sep, 2007 3:34 am

Holly13 wrote:
dear janice:

thats so cool! you actually got to see him and talk to him and stuff? wow... thats luck for sure, but i prefer to think of it as God doing those amazing things for me and other people, like what happened to you... what hotel were you in, in the USA? or in Italy or something?
wow i probably would faint if im just like, walkng down to breakfast and see my idol standing there... that would be the best thing to tell poeple when you got home, did they believe you when you told them you saw him?

You asked if the hotel was in the USA or Italy? No, it was the "or something". :D The hotel was actually in Canada! Yes, the people I told about seeing Andrea in the hotel ABsolutely believed me because I don't make things up. :) Of course most of the time in the lobby I was looking at Andrea :shock: but I did take some glances at the people around and everyone was so happy and smiling just to be near him. It was pretty neat. :D
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Postby nastya2007 on Wed 26 Sep, 2007 6:36 pm

Hello, Holly!
You are kind of negative about all this stuff, or... am I mistaken? If I do, I don't mean to offend you.
Do you know any celebrity who is writing to his/her fans? I don't
I would certainly try to e-mail him, if i had his e-mail
Can you help me with that?
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Postby jcarroll on Sat 29 Sep, 2007 11:11 pm

Hi, I'm new at this posting stuff so please bear with me. While I have been a fan of Andrea for a long time, I never signed up to be in his "fan club." Then I recently heard about his US tour and apparently, there is a presale "code" for fan members who can purchase tickets before they go on sale to the public. Would anyone be kind enough to tell me what this code so I can try to purchase 2 tickets for me and my husband, who desperately want to see him??? I sure would appreciate it. After reading some of the topics back and forth, it may be best to send me a "private message. Looking forward to it...
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Postby DueBaci on Sun 30 Sep, 2007 12:31 pm

Hi Josephine,

click on this link and it will take you to the Concert thread here in the forum ... Renate has posted all you need to know in her first post.
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Postby jcarroll on Sun 30 Sep, 2007 5:30 pm

Thank you DueBaci. I am getting somewhat familar with this forum now. I just wish I would have discovered this sooner...Josephine
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Postby eveluna on Thu 04 Oct, 2007 6:40 am

Hello to everyone,
I hope I am doing this posting thing correctly--I'm very new to this.
Like Josephine, I've been a fan of Andrea's for many years, and I've visited this site a few times in the past. It has taken me a long time to actually sign up and this is my first post--being a strong introvert kept me from jumping in headlong. I am happy to know that I'm in such excellent company as a fan--with people of all ages who are equally as devoted Andrea as I am. I also want to post my appreciation to Renate and Massimiliano for monitoring the site to make it safe for everyone.
I'm so looking forward to the Dec. 2 San Jose concert--my 3rd. Ciao,
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Postby m.jay on Thu 04 Oct, 2007 8:09 pm

Hello to All,........... I have been a fan of Andrea for at least 10 years now, still listening to no other music then his, other then Christmas music at the Holiday season, for no other music touches my soul or eases my pain like Andrea`s,and no matter how many times i hear it i still find it as beautifull and moving as the first time.............I dreamed of seeing him in concert,with the chance of saying thank you for this gift he shares with us,and i believe if you dream long enough, they do come true, as mine did that amazing December when i had the greatest joy of my life to be in Lake Las Vegas for the "Under the Desert Sky Concert".............i had the pleasure of meeting Renate,a lovely person, who was very kind to me.........but nothing in my life compares to the moment while having breakfest in walked Andrea and Veronica sitting one table away from us, i froze in that very spot and couldn`t move, but as they where leaving my dear friend who has traveled this journey with me rose and asked Andrea if we could have a picture for a loyal fan,he said yes, then before i could even wrap my brain around what was happening i was standing next to Andrea with our arms around each others waist smiling and having my picture taken, then he took my hand and i was able to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for what his music has ment to me.......he as well as Veronica where so sweet and kind, she is truly a lovely woman with a very giving spirit to share him with all of us so sweetly, and as the days passed we ran into them many times and each time we where greated with a smile and a hello.
it was the best week-end of my life, a perfect rocking chair memory, and when i have days that are hard or my pain levels rise i go back to that wonderfull amazing days and a smile comes over my heart.
I will always be truly greatfull to the people that made that time possable for me, for i will never forget hang onto your dreams , and never give up and as mine they will come true.
Bless you,and keep Andrea in your heart and your ears and all your days will be happy days. hugs emjay
have a Bocelli day, full of sunshine and smiles
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Postby Southerngirl on Thu 04 Oct, 2007 10:58 pm

Hello m.jay,

This is a lovely story. I hope you get another opportunity to see Andrea. You did such a nice job of describing the meeting with Andrea and Veronica - I could feel your joy.

Where in SC do you live? I am originally from Columbia, but live now in Little Rock. My family still all live in SC.

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Postby eleanora on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 12:41 am

Thank you emjay for your beautifully descriptive posting, how wonderful for you to have been able to have your photo taken with Andrea and tell him how much he has meant to you, the absolute thrill of the meeting is palpable, thank you for sharing the memory with all of us. Eleanora :)
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Postby m.jay on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 4:23 am

Southerngirl, Hello.............. i live in Fort Mill, that is right outside of Charlotte N.C, we are one exit away from Carowinds park.

Thank you for your kind words, but i believe you only get one perfect dream,and i had mine one ui will cherishfor all time.
When i watch the dvd of the concert it is still hard for me to believe i was actually there, then i can see the back of my head, and i look at the picture of Andrea and i on my shelf and i say thank you Lord for granting me this now it is someone else`s turn, just hang in there for they do come true. hugs emjay
have a Bocelli day, full of sunshine and smiles
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Postby crocodileshoes on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 10:32 am

EMJAY, this was truly beautiful reading your account; I can feel from it just how precious and special that meeting with Andrea was, the fact that you got the chance to tell him how special his music and voice is to you and to thank him for it; I understand well how precious that will always be, because like you I adore him so much....Enjoy the memory and cherish it.... so beautiful !!! :D
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Postby sunflower on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 6:07 pm

Mjay, soooo great to see Andrea so near from you (i want it too).
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Postby Southerngirl on Fri 05 Oct, 2007 7:08 pm

m.jay I know exactly where Fort Mill is - I've been to Carowinds many times and who could forget Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker, huh?

I left Columbia 15 years ago to move out here and have only been back once for a wedding. I got as close as Asheville a couple of times when I visited Biltmore House. I miss it so much, but Arkansas is very much like South Carolina in many ways - weather is exactly the same, people are just as wonderful, and I'm still in the south.

Later . . .
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